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Papers On U.S. History (19th Century)
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Military Recruitment Techniques: Civil War through the Present
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An 8 page discussion of the evolution in military recruitment techniques which can be observed from the Civil War to the present. Concentrating on recruitment posters, the author contends recruiting techniques evolved from the simplistic to the complex both in terms of the image rendition and in terms of the suggestion the images were intended to make to the American psyche. This paper emphasizes that the evolution in recruiting posters from simple to complex graphics, from informative to stunning, occurred both in relation to changing in printing and other technologies and in relation to cultural changes themselves. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPposter.rtf
Military Strategy and Weapons in the Civil War
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A 9 page discussion of the tactics and weapons relied on by the North and the South during the American Civil War. The North had many advantages in that it had the industrial and infrastructural features to supply its technological needs during this turbulent period in U.S. history. Bibliography lists
5 sources.
Filename: PPcwWpns.rtf
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This 6 page paper discusses the development, historical and geographical, of the Mesabi Iron Ore Range in Minnesota. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBiron.rtf
Modern City Planning: 19th Century
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7 pages in length. The nineteenth century city was ripe for change. Not only was there a dire need to improve upon communication networks, building types and architectural styles, but there was also a growing presence that required new definitions of "publicness" and the establishment of new power structures. Clearly, these changes were not restricted to one community, state or country in particular, but rather this modernistic approach to city development was being felt all over the world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLC19thC.rtf
Native Americans in the 19th Century
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A 5 page paper which examines the perspectives and conditions of the Native Americans during the last half of the 19th century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAnat19.rtf
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This 3-page paper discusses the North's naval blockade during the U.S. Civil War and how it ultimately defeated the South. Also under discussion is the South's loss of morale during the conflict. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTcivnav.rtf
New Lanark, Oneida, & Other Utopian Societies In America
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Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, numerous utopian groups created their own "heavens on earth" in the American heartland, ranging from the Shakers, to Robert Owen's "New Harmony," to the Oneida community. They struggled in vain to create "perfect" societies that would differ in contrast with the dreary ones overseas in Europe. This 6 page research paper examines the purpose, attempts, and failures of these communities -- concentrating primarily upon the examples of New Lanark and Oneida. The themes of these communities and their decline are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Utopias.wps
News Coverage of the Election of Abraham Lincoln
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A 5 page research paper that examines how election coverage differed between the North and South. The writer gives a detailed summation of the coverage that appeared in the New York Times and the New Orleans Daily Picayune as being representative of these regions. As one would expect, the tone employed by these newspapers was quite different. While the northern paper saw the upcoming conflict as dealing primarily with the issue of slavery, the southern paper pictured Lincoln as an enemy of the South in general. Bibliography lists 6 original articles from these two papers.
Filename: Lincnews.wps
Nineteenth Century Expansionism: Similarities Between Germany, Italy, and the United States
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A 5 page observation that while the United States, Italy, and Germany, would of first appearance appear to share little in terms of their nationalistic views and their overall relationship with the rest of the world; there were in fact many similarities between their nationalistic views and efforts at territorial expansion. The manner in which these countries went about strengthening their nationalistic ties and building up their territories was in many ways identical. Each involved the forced suppression of the Native peoples who stood in their way. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PP19thTr.rtf
Nothing Like it in the World: The Transcontinental Railroad:
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This 8 page paper discusses this Stephen Ambrose novel in-depth. Critical analysis discusses writing style, impact, research and more in relation to this novel. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSRailrd.rtf
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