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Papers On Gay & Lesbian Studies / Aids
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A Short Story On The Theme Of Freedom
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9 pages in length. Josh and Barbara met for lunch every week without fail; this friendly ritual had endured five years of personal problems, social concerns, birthdays, anniversaries and everything else that two such individuals could share over the course of time. Their relationship was based within a solid friendship, inasmuch as they reflected many of the same emotional issues in each other and provided an outlet for frustration, fear and the prospect of lost freedom; both Josh and Barbara are homosexuals. This particular day was full of discussion from current fashions to favorite recipes to the horrors of dating until the conversation turned serious. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCshrtS.rtf
A Simulation Model of the AIDS Epidemic
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This 8 page paper considers the issue of the continuation of the AIDS epidemic and the development of a simulation model that supports the continued application of education and other support mechanisms to reduce the spread of the disease in Third World countries. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: MHaids6.wps
Adolescent Homosexuality
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5 page research paper on adolescent homosexuality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Adolhomo.wps
Advanced Essays on Bioethics
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10 pages worth of complex essays in biology ethics such as one summarizing the biology of the HIV, and its manner of infection and production of disease. The writer describes the major ethical problems that face biologists and doctors regarding the manner in which they are dealing with the epidemic as well as their intelligent opinion about what is the most ethical and yet biologically effective way to deal with it and why. No Bibliography.
Filename: Bioethic.wps
Against Gay Marriage
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This 4 page paper discusses gay marriage and argues that most objections to it are based on the idea that marriage is a sacred rite consecrating a relationship between a man and woman only. It also argues that gay relationships are unstable and cause psychological problems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVAtiGay.rtf
AIDS & AIDS-Related Complexes / Implications for EMS
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A 4 page paper that provides an overview of the risk of transmission, signs and symptoms, testing, ethical and moral issues surrounding AIDS and AIDS related complexes and considers their impact on emergency medicine. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Emsaids.wps
AIDS and the Homosexual Population # 2
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Although its general subject is somewhat identical to 'aidshom2.wps,' this 8 page paper explores homosexuality itself and discusses why it is so difficult to teach behaviors that will prevent AIDS among this high-risk group. Paper makes clear the necessity for empathy regarding homosexuality and the AIDS "plague."
Filename: Aidshomo.wps
Alternative Sexual Orientation: Evolution of Social Policy from the Conservative Era to Contemporary Times
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An 8 page overview of the changes which have occurred in regard to social policies concerning homosexuals, transsexuals, and bisexuals between the Conservative Era of the 1950s to today. Outlines policy changes in the workplace and other societal arenas emphasizing that during the Conservative Era those who differed from the mainstream are viewed either in a comical light or as threats to mainstream society and that while changes have been made these changes are not sufficient. Even today, heterosexuals are typically viewed as normal and homosexuals as personifying a type of deviant behavior. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPgayOpp.wps
An Exploration of Transsexuality and its Implications in our Modern World
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A 6 page contention that insurance plans should pay for sex change operations in that these operations serve to correct error in human physiology, just as other types of medical approaches correct errors which manifest themselves as diseases or psychological disturbances. Furthermore, the contention is presented that society is obligated to treat those transsexuals who have undergone sex change operations as they treat others of the sex which has been chosen by the transsexual. This obligation extends, in fact, to placing those surgically altered transsexuals who enter the criminal justice system in prisons which correspond to their chosen sex.
Filename: PPsexChn.rtf
Annotated Bibliography – Sullivan and Quindlen
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This 5 page paper discusses the two writers Andrew Sullivan and Anna Quindlen and the similarities between their discussions of homosexuality and gay marriage. The bibliography is annotated and includes 6 sources.
Filename: HVAnnBib.rtf
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