Papers On Linguistics, Speech, & Hearing
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Gestural Phonology
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This 12 page paper discusses the extent to which gestural phonology can be used to provide adequate framework for the description of child speech. The paper examines the way speech develops from the initial babble, looking at segment exchanges through to full adult varigation. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Filename: TEgestphonology.rtf
Hardy's "Darkling Thrush"/A Linguistic Analysis
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A 10 page linguistically oriented analysis of Thomas Hardy's poem "The Darkling Thrush." The writer offers an examination of this poem that explores syntax, phonology, morphology, and lexicon/cohesion. Analysis addresses the poem line-by-line, sometimes word-by-word. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khlinthr.rtf
Hispanic Cultural Diffusion
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This 3 page paper examines the use of Spanish in America. The concept of cultural diffusion is defined and explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA639His.rtf
History of the Alphabet
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A 12 page research paper that examines the history of the alphabet. The writer argues that with the invention of writing, the knowledge of each generation was not lost when elders died. Therefore, this invention enabled humanity to build on the achievements of each succeeding generation, making civilization possible. The writer follows the evolution of the alphabet from early pictographs through the Greek and Roman forms. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khabcs.wps
History of the Dictionary
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An 8 page research paper that offers a brief history of the dictionary. While the writer mentions early dictionary, the research concentrates on the compilation of the first English dictionaries, focusing specifically on the dictionaries written by Samuel Johnson and Noah Webster, which culminated in that magnificent Victorian project, the Oxford English Dictionary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khhisdic.rtf
How to Translate
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A 3 page "how to" paper written as a speech explaining the process of translating text from one language to another. There are three main steps, including preparation, text production and proofreading for meaning and accuracy. Machine translation is fine for many uses where accuracy is not critical. At about 70 percent accuracy, it is fine to use for websites or email, but human translation should be 100 percent accurate, including meaning that is implied but not specifically stated in the text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KStranslate.rtf
How, When And Why People Use "Code Switching" In Language
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4 pages in length. Surviving in a multicultural society requires myriad social tools – both intrinsic and man-made – to uphold the requisite behaviors expected of those who are not native to the community. Code switching has become one of the most popular – if not one of the most controversial – examples of how the spoken language has fallen victim to the lazy tongues of many bi- and multilingual societies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCCodeSw.rtf
Human and Non-Human Communication
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This 3 page paper looks at communication, language and speech in the context of cultural anthropology. Examples are provided for human and non-human forms of communication. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA342com.rtf
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This 4 page paper discusses the humanist views of William Wordsworth to the structuralists views of T.S. Eliot, Jonathan Culler and Michael Foucault. Quotes Cited from the text. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBstruc.rtf
Impact of Demographic and Culture Factors on Non Verbal Communication
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This paper summarizes a 60-page article about non-verbal communication and the literature available on this topic. The information was paraphrased for a speech.
Filename: MTverspe.rtf
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