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Papers On Linguistics, Speech, & Hearing
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'Rethinking Language Arts' by Nina Zaragoza
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A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Zaragoza's book. This paper supports the premises created by Zaragoza in applying her educational philosophy to classroom constructs. Bibliography lists no additional sources.
Filename: NinaZ.doc
3 Speech Pathology Scenarios
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A 6 page research paper that addresses three questions pertaining to speech pathology. The writer discusses assessing a 4-year-old who is speech delayed; a senior citizen who exhibits the signs of stroke; and the articulation patterns, particularly vowel patterns, of deaf children who receive cochlear implants. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: kh3spee.rtf
A Conversation About American Idol: An Analysis in Communications
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This 3 page paper creates a hypothetical conversation regarding the television show American Idol. Some dialog is included. The conversation is evaluated with the help of the book Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA518Idl .rtf
A Cultural Comparison of Nonverbal Communications Between Koreans and Americans
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This 10 page paper provides an overview of a cultural comparison important when assessing variations in nonverbal communication. In particular, this paper considers the comparison between Koreans and Americans in the way in which nonverbal communication is manifested, and defines some of the normative cultural differences that exist and can impact the understanding of nonverbal communication. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHNonVAK.rtf
A Feminist Perspective of the English Language
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A 14 page overview of the changes which have been incurred by the English language since the 1960s. Written from a feminist perspective, this paper outlines changes in the meaning of words and phrases, the creation of new words and phrases, and changes in the use of those words and phrases to convey sometimes inaccurate and less than factual information. Also discusses our tendency to become immune to certain forms of communication and to be more receptive, rather than less, to incendiary talk, violence, and inflammatory rhetoric. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPwomLg1.wps
A Grammatical Description
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In beginning a descriptive analysis of a
sentence the first step is to identify the basic components of nouns and
verbs. The descriptive elements are then identified and ascribed to the
noun or verb they describe. This 5 page paper gives a grammatical
description of a subject sentence, emphasizing the use of clauses,
phrases and modifiers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KTgramar.wps
Acoustic Signals and the Hearing-Impaired Student
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5 pages. A better acoustic signal (a better speech-to-noise-ratio) is important in educational settings for children with minimal to profound hearing losses. This paper will explain this concept and the fact that it is important that schools use such systems for the hearing impaired student. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAacoust.rtf
Active Listening in the Parent/Teenager Relationship
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A 5 page discussion of the importance of effective communication in resolving conflict between parents and teens. The author contends that one’s ability to express relevant information is no more important, however, than the ability to absorb information. Information is absorbed in a variety of ways. One of the most important of these ways, however, is listening. Active listening, listening which is employed not only to absorb information but also to gain the empathy and confidence of the teen is particularly important. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPlisten.rtf
African American English Vernacular/Evolution
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An 8 page research paper that explores the evolution of African American English Vernacular (AAEV) as a dialect of English, discussing the controversy among linguists over its origins, as well as its linguistic structure and similarities between AAEV and West African languages. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khaaev.rtf
American Sign Language
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This 8 page paper considers the nature of American Sign Language, the number of speakers, age of speakers and the structure of the language, including morphology. This paper considers how speakers of English might learn ASL. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHAmSign.wps
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