Papers On (Mass) Media & Broadcasting
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Natural Born Killers In The Theme of "Bonnie & Clyde"
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A detailed, 4 page reaction to the film "Natural Born Killers" -- The writer discusses the movie's positive qualities as well as its frequently-cited problems re : negativity and violence. Natural Born Killers is discussed in a societal context and also with relevance to some of Oliver Stone's other films. Bibliography lists 3 supporting sources.
Filename: Mediacr2.wps
Negative and Positive Aspects of FCC Censorship
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This 8 page paper focuses on Howard Stern's career as a springboard for discussion in respect to the role of the FCC. The positive and negative aspects of censorship are discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA217FCC.rtf
Neo-pluralism as the Best Media-Power Relations Model
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This 9 page paper provides an overview of this topic that focuses on a media perspective regarding neopluralism. Why this model is superior to other media models is the subject of this paper. Much support for the model is provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA250neo.rtf
New Media: Its Impact Upon Traditional Media
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4 pages in length. Why purchase a print copy or an entire CD when the very same thing can be found on the Internet? The prevalence of online reading and music material has literally skyrocketed to the point where people are no longer finding a need to subscribe to print publications or visit mall music stores. Daily newspapers are available at the crack of dawn; monthly magazines are accessible earlier than those sent out buy postal mail; and entire CDs are being uploaded to the Internet for one's listening enjoyment. The writer discusses the impact Internet media is having upon traditional media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCnwmed.wps
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This 6 page paper examples the way in which the news is created by the media, rather than reporting the news as it happens. Evidence given, quotes cited from sources. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBnewsmed.rtf
News Broadcast Versus Newspaper: Analysis
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4 pages in length. The story order in the national broadcast (CNN) and national newspaper (USA Today) format indicates how each news source determines which features hold more importance than others based upon that particular source's interpretation of a given story's perceived value. CNN displayed the international space station, a pilot's emergency landing and missing climbers in Mt. Hood as its respective top three stories, while USA Today's front page was immersed in political rhetoric. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCNewsbroad.rtf
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This 5-page paper attempts to examine now newsmagazines shape opinions and perceptions of society. Topics disucssed include the war in Iraq and coverage of celebrities. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTnewsoc.rtf
Nightline's Success
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A 5 page paper discussing the late-night news show. Born of the Iran hostage crisis in 1979, the ABC news show has been running continually for 20 years with Ted Koppel as its anchor. The paper discusses the general liberal slant of most journalists, the effects of American families' hectic schedules on their ability to see network news, and Koppel's mastery of keeping passionate guests to the issues at hand as some of the reasons for the show's continued success. Koppel himself deserves much of the credit for the success of the show, and ABC will need to carefully select a successor when he retires. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSnitelin.doc
Noam Chomsky's "Media Control" - Analysis
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5 pages in length. In a word, Noam Chomsky's Media Control is an exercise in propaganda: How mass media have successfully fleeced the general population into believing everything they print or report. The extent to which Chomsky's assertion reaches the outermost regions of communication is both grand and far-reaching; that contemporary media outlets utilize such propagandist components as yellow journalism and agenda setting speaks to the distorted nature of information purveyors and how they skew the truth to satisfy ulterior motives. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCChomsky.rtf
NOT The Media's Fault -- The Truth About Violence
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A 9 page paper on how the roots of violence are not from the media but hit very close to home: within the group dynamic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Tviole.wps
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