Papers On (Mass) Media & Broadcasting
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Issues of Authenticity/Internet & TV
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A 10 page research paper that examines issues of authenticity will look specifically at how changes in mainstream media and the advent of the Internet have acerbated the blurring of the line between what is real and authentic and what is regarded with the jaundiced eye of suspicion. The points brought out in this discussion are then applied to society within a broader context and how technology is further blurring the line between what is authentic and what is not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: khmedaut.rtf
Issues Pertaining To Television: Analysis
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses consumerism, violence, aggression, government control and social impact as they relate to television. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCTVAnal.rtf
Jean Baudrillard; Hyper Reality and the Media
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This 11 page paper considers Baudrillard's theory of hyper reality and how we can see this impact on the social world due to the role of the media with its' creation and propagation of images. The paper discusses the theory and the role of simulation, and uses examples to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEhyprel.wps
Jerry Mander's "Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television"
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the following four points as they relate to Mander's perspective on television and society: people's awareness is walled in; television replaces human images; television images become disconnected from their source; and the concept of voyeurism in reality-based programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCMndrs.rtf
Journalism And The War In Iraq: Absence Of Integrity And Humanity
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10 pages in length. For as long as man has been on planet Earth, he has faced a tremendous struggle between right and wrong; as history readily illustrates, his behavior has too often reflected a poor choice of direction where these two entities are concerned. Now in the twenty-first century, humanity continues to struggle with the same ethical dilemma of centuries ago: Where, if at all, is the line drawn between seeking personal gain at the expense of the masses? Indeed, this quandary appears to have little impact upon those journalists who report back on events of the Iraqi war, choosing instead to reach for the flashiest, most sensational profiles of courage and completely omitting some of the most valuable – albeit unexciting from a reporter's perspective – casualties of war: The innocent Iraqi citizens caught in harm's way. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TLCJournInt.rtf
Journalism: Annotated Bibliography
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4 pages in length. The writer provides a 5-source annotated bibliography pertaining to yellow journalism and journalistic ethics. Annotated bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCJournBib.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses the impact of the media on the economy and the internal workings of the political process.Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBapmedia.rtf
Language & Reality
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A 5 page essay/research paper that discusses the relationship between language, societal constructs and reality. Since the time of ancient Greece, people have contemplated the nature of reality. As Berger and Luckmann point out in their treatise on the nature of reality, what is referred to as reality is basically unknowable except through the narrow channel of human experience as we each interpret it through the facility of our own particular social enclaves and institutions. In other words, reality, rather than being concrete and immutable, is also subjective, that is, subject to change in accordance with the manner in which it is perceived. These ideas are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khreall.rtf
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This paper discusses the global media's impact on language, and the importance of language diversity in today's global interactions. Also under discussion is the concept of one world, one language. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTlandiv.rtf
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This paper examines language media uses, including "doublespeak" and bias. Also under discussion are manufacturing consent and the real role of the media in a democratic society. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTmedlan.rtf
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