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Cell Phones and Cancer: Examining Sources of Information
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A 6 page paper assessing 4 popular press reports and 4 scholarly source articles discussing the issue of whether cell phone radiation causes or contributes to the development of brain cancer. All of the articles reject the suspicion, but the scholarly sources are more circumspect in arriving at the negative conclusion. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KScomCellCan.rtf
Changing Relationships; I-It to I-You
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This 3 page paper develops a scenario where an I-it relationship, where a person is treated like an object, is transformed into an I-you relationship where the individual is seen as a person, but there is still distance. The paper uses the example of a customer and waitress in a restaurant. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEiitiyou.rtf
Child Abuse as Depicted by Media and Popular Culture
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This 10 page paper provides a review of literature on the subject of child abuse and then compares it to how media and popular culture project it to the public. The public perception of deviance is discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: SA048chd.wps
Class Analysis/Speech Class
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A 3 page research paper/essay on public speaking. This writer, firs of all, details the results of a survey that a student conducted of a public speaking class. Then, the writer relates this audience analysis to the topic of public speaking. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khclana.rtf
Cognition And Language
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This 9 page paper defines and/or describes numerous topics/concepts including: representation of knowledge, imagery and cognitive psychology, language cognition and neurology, language and words, cognitive development, concept formation, logic, decision making, problem solving creativity, human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGlngcg.rtf
Communicating At Work – Book Report
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A 9 page paper. Communicating at Work is written by Tony Allesandra, Ph.D. and Phil Hunsaker, Ph.D. This paper offers a synopsis of the book and includes some of the many ideas the authors provide. Different topics discussed include the four styles of communicating, nonverbal communication, listening, writing skills, effective meetings and more. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGcmwrk.rtf
Communication Analysis
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A 5 page paper identifying communication "disconnects" at an organization, followed by identification and discussion of specific points used as examples. The paper presents examples in a 2-page text table, and then assigns the organization (a school district) a score of 88 for overall effectiveness. The same circumstances in another organization would be deserving of a score in the low 90s, perhaps a 91 or 92. Because this specific organization is a public school district and is charged in part with teaching better skills than those exhibited in several areas of communication, however, it is awarded a lower score. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KScommMgmtRA.rtf
Communication and Culture: Assessment Questions
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This 4 page paper evaluates two questions posed by a student for a communication and culture class. A photograph is evaluated for iconic, symbolic or indexical elements. Stereotyping is discussed in the context of print media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA416QaA.rtf
Communication and Dialogue: A Review of Two Articles
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A 3 page overview of two articles in communication. Emphasizing the importance of dialogic leadership, “Williams’ 1999 article entitled “Dialogic Leadership” recounts the communication problems behind numerous organizational problems at key U.S. firms. Bohm, Factor, and Garrett (2003) also explore the importance of dialogue, contending that dialogue offers us the means of overcoming many of the various problems which confront the world today, a means of exploring the “presuppositions, ideas, beliefs, and feelings” which control group interactions. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPComOr2.rtf
Communication and Organizational Development
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A 9 page paper discussing how true, effective and meaningful communication within the organizations has positively contributed to their present success and positions within their respective industries. There are many potential barriers to effective communication, either on a large scale or on a one-to-one basis. In some cases, it is the responsibility of both the speaker and listener to be aware of potential "disconnects" that can occur. In all cases, the speaker carries the greater responsibility to ensure that what it is that s/he means to convey is what the audience is hearing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KScommOrgDev.rtf
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