Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTorcodo.rtf
Are Non-Verbal Communications In-Born or are They Learned ?
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An 8 page look at non-verbal communications (i.e., gestures, motions, batting eyelashes, etc;) and the importance of realizing that different groups of people may interpret them in different ways. The primary focus of this particular report, however, is to analyze the controversy over whether most non-verbal communication activities are in-born traits or learned activities. Various issues and studies are explored to help answer this very question and arguments seem to lean strongly in favor of the 'in-born side' for certain non-verbal communications while some lean strongly in favor of the 'learned' side for other examples of non-verbal communication. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Nonverbl.wps
Book Review / Culture & Non-Verbal Communication
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5 page review of Edward T. Hall's 'The Silent Language' in which the writer discusses how various non-verbal factors play a major contributive role in communication and its subsequent understanding. With emphasis on the social and cultural factors that influence each of us, Hall's book essentially outlines various concepts that comprise our understanding of self and others. The role of culture in nonverbal communication is of primary importance to this discussion. No Bibliography.
Filename: Silenlan.wps
Communication / Nonverbal Messages
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A 6 page research paper investigating the power of nonverbal messages in the communication process. The investigator hypothesized that facial expressions were more important in terms of other people's perception. A brief literature review revealed significant information concerning the impact of nonverbal communication messages. The literature is discussed along with implications in the process of communicating with others. Bibliography included.
Filename: Nverbal.wps
Communications / Gender Similarities
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A 10 page research example on gender differences in communication. The writer develops a thesis based on studies in nonverbal communications, gender differences, demand-withdrawal, and other studies and commentaries that support the idea that the reported differences are in fact false. Even research geared toward gender differences has been inconclusive, and it is apparent in social interactions that there are more similarities than differences. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: Gendsim.wps
Emotional Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication
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A 5 page paper that provides an evaluative overview of the elements of emotional intelligence and their correlates to nonverbal communication. This paper argues the elements of Dan Goleman's premises on emotional intelligence and their developmental impact and considers the nature of emotional expression as it impacts nonverbal actions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Emiq.wps
Emotions and Nonverbal Communication
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This 5 page paper examines nonverbal communication and explores the relationship between this type of communication and human emotions. Gender differences are touched on as is the fact that disabled individuals are less likely to be able to read nonverbal cues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA30NonV.wps
Men and Women / Nonverbal Communication
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A 10 page overview of nonverbal communication, including some historical background, terminology, and research results. Focus of the paper is on differences and similarities between nonverbal behavior between the genders, with particular emphasis on differences in interpretation of nonverbal cues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Cnonvrbl.wps
Nonverbal Communication and Gender Differences
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A 12 page paper that provides an overview of nonverbal communication and considers it in terms of the way both men and women encode and decode these messages. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Verbgend.wps
The Use Of Communication Skills To Fight Delinquency
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The importance of effective communication in combating delinquency is discussed in this 25 page paper. The problem of delinquency is explained along with the reasons for its existence. Various cultures around the world are looked at for insight on how to solve this pervasive problem in American society. The continuum concept is included as well. Detailed solutions are noted, inclusive of verbal and nonverbal techniques of communication which may be utilized by parents for various age groups. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Filename: Figthdel.wps
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