Papers On Canadian Studies
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The Hotel Business in Canada
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This 5 page paper focuses on employees in Canada's hotels. Union and non-union laborers are compared and issues such as wages , job security and scheduling are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA014Ho.rtf
The Hotel Industry in Canada
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This 8 page paper examines the Canadian hotel industry using Porters Five Forces as a framework for the analysis. The paper defines the industry, looks at the threat from potential new entrants, the influence of substitutes, the pressures and leverage of suppliers and buyers and the rivalry. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEhotelca.rtf
The Impact of Restorative Justice on Canadian Society
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This 5 page paper looks at the concept of restorative justice and attempts to define it. How it has been implemented in Canadian society, and its result, is cogently discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA344cjc.rtf
The Importance of Satellites to Canada
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A 10 page overview of the importance of satellite connection to the widely scattered and often remote communities of Canada. Includes information about educational and business applications including teleconferencing, distance learning, and other opportunities which this technology has made available. Identifies Canada as one of the most progressive nations in satellite technology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Cansat.wps
The Importance of Teacher Involvement in Curriculum Development
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This is a 3 page paper discussing the importance of teacher involvement in curriculum development. Within the last decade changes in curriculum planning in educational systems has led to an adoption of various planning strategies, some which involve teacher interaction and some which don’t, an evaluation of present and proposed systems, and teachers assessment guidelines in addition to a great deal of controversy in all areas. Studies in the United States have shown that curriculum implementation can only be successful if teachers and communities are involved in the development and implementation of curriculum and structural changes. While progress has been made in some states, the provinces in Canada are having more difficulty implementing curriculum and reforms due to decreased funding and unilateral administrative decisions which have not utilized the expertise of educators in the decision-making process. While cases can be made for a common curriculum, overall researchers and practice have shown that any curriculum change should involve the professional input of teachers as well as those invested in the educational programs, the communities.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJtcurr1.rtf
The Increased Fertility in Canada in the Post-War Years
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This 5 page paper considers the post war years in Canada, discussing the increased fertility rate during this period and the influenced that created this temporary phenomenon in the population patterns. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEferti2.wps
The Inequities of Capitalism: Canadian Studies
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This 5 page paper analyzes four articles that are linked by the overall theme of class struggle; each of them speaks to different aspects of that phenomenon. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVIneqCp.rtf
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This 13-page paper covers various issues relating to Canada's CRTC including legislation, telecommunications issues and spectrum issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTcrtcov.rtf
The Issue of Labeling Genetically Engineered Foods in Canada
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This is an 11 page paper discussing the issue of labeling genetically engineered foods in Canada. Currently within Canada recent consumer polls have indicated that over 95% of Canadians want genetically engineered (GE) or genetically modified (GM) foods labeled as such. While this may appear to be a straight forward issue simply resolved with mandatory legislation, within Canada there are still no laws requiring labeling of genetically engineered food. Currently, businesses, the government and consumers seem to be at an impasse in regards to voluntary labeling which was introduced in 1999 and the possibility of mandatory labeling currently enforced in over 35 countries worldwide. While mandatory labeling should be introduced in Canada, consumers should also be aware that in order to do so, the federal government will have to implement a complex and costly monitoring process in order to enforce the legislation properly. In addition, because of cross pollination which has already occurred between genetically engineered crops and organic crops, most legislators feel that most labels would have to include the phrase “may contain genetically engineered material” which would not provide the consumer with any more information than he or she has now. While labeling should be considered because of consumer demand, consumers must also realize the impact this may have on Canada within the international market, as Canada now is the world’s third largest producer of genetically engineered crops and its major trading partner, the United States, has no current labeling restrictions. Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) are responsible for current labeling policies which focus mainly on health and safety concerns in a product and the mandatory exclusion of non-factual information on a product label. Should GE labeling be required in Canada, it should not deter consumers from the health and safety concerns. Lastly, because genetically engineered foods have been deemed as safe, that is why they are now not required to be labeled. This is also controversial as some advocate that since GE foods have only been in use for 10 years, this is not enough time to evaluate long term impact on consumer health and the environment.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJCangn1.rtf
The Leadership of Sheila Fraser
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This 6 page paper focuses on this female executive who is the first female to have been appointed Auditor General in Canada. Some biographical data is included. The paper focuses on leadership theories such as transformational and transactional leadership models. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA429SF.rtf
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