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Papers On Canadian Studies
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Canada's Role in Promoting Global Competition and Trade
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This 9 page paper looks at Canada's economy as well as its role in terms of trade. The nation's ideology on competition is explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA332Can.rtf
Canada: Little Tolerance For Hybridized Identity
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8 pages in length. Pearl Harbor created fear in the hearts of all North Americans; in order to quell that fear and maintain control over its political, social and economic concerns, Canada worked hard to harshly dissuade any hybrid Japanese residents from becoming spies. These tactics, considered to be over-reactive at best and downright inhumane at worst, included the complete and utter downgrade of a once-participatory and mainstreamed population by forcing Japanese Canadians to forfeit their property, and, after being deprive of liberty, the men "were impressed into forced labor and the women and children transported to ghost towns and abandoned mining camps in the interior of the country to fend for themselves" (Milton 8). The disturbing sting of this sudden intolerance for an individual's hybrid identity has lasted long after the initial reason for its original existence, rendering Canada yet another in a long list of countries where the melting pot of multiculturalism has become an unwelcome entity, an element of modernity painfully portrayed in Wayson Choy's "Jade Peony" and Joy Kogawa's "Obasan." Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLChybrd.rtf
Canada: Race And The Media
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7 pages in length. Canada's multiracial community, which includes Black, Hispanic, Asian and Aborigines populations, is subject to a significant amount of stereotypical abuse at the hands of contemporary media. Clearly, the racial bias that exists within the media – particular in television but also clearly apparent in music, advertisements and all other entities – is not necessarily created by the media as a negative influence but is actually perpetuated from a basis of social reality. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCCanRc.rtf
Canada: The Politics and Subcultures
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10 pages in length. This is a well-researched study concerning the differences between the Anglophones and Francophones of Quebec, their political socialization, leadership and subcultures. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAcnada.wps
Canada’s International Position in the Banking Realm
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This 6 page paper concerns the banking industry in Canada and reports on events during 1998 and 1999 which affected the industry. An emphasis is placed on international banking as well as mergers and acquisitions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA10Bank.wps
Canadian Aboriginal Health
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A 6 page research paper that examines Canadian Aboriginal health status. The writer explores the link between socioeconomic status and unemployment and Aboriginal health outcomes. Socioeconomic determinants, of course, encompass employment, but this health determinant is so crucial to positive outcomes that it will be an object of particular focus. Other socioeconomic determinants encompass "infrastructure, housing,...environment and education" (Adelson, 2005, p. S45). Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: khcanab.rtf
Canadian Administrative Reforms: Trends, Improvements and Concerns
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This is a 10 page paper discussing Canadian administrative reforms, concerns and improvements. The Canadian federal government reforms over the past fifty years have shifted a great deal in their initiatives, structures and priorities which have deeply impacted the reforms and initiatives of the provincial and municipal governments as well. The reforms in the 1960s and 1970s in Canada initiated by the Canadian government established an increase in social systems, benefits and an increase in the public sector which allowed for the support of these programs. While no major shift occurred during the 1980s, the recession of the early 1990s and an increasing federal public deficit of over $540 billion led to a great deal of restructuring and shifting of initiatives and resources in the mid to late 1990s. Federal funding was drastically reduced by reforms which led to the decentralization and privatization of programs and industry and an increased responsibility placed on each provincial and territorial government. The provincial governments in turn enacted reforms which led to drastic cuts in education, health care and social programs which are still considered controversial and a major concern today. Recently, governmental reforms have shifted slightly again to highlight business networking, accountability, regulation and e-government in order to increase efficiency and accessibility of governmental services.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJCanad1.rtf
Canadian Articles on Aboriginal Issues
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This 3 page paper discusses three articles that examine various issues with regard to Canadian Aboriginal peoples.
Filename: HVCanArt.rtf
Canadian Bank Mergers
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11 pages in length. There exists a great deal of contrasting opinions with regard to the issue of Canadian bank mergers; however, for the most part, it appears as though Canadian officials and private citizens alike are not favoring the marriages between and among the big banks. Cited for a number of reasons including lost jobs and higher costs for various transactions, the proposed merging of five of Canada's most influential financial institutions has caused a great deal of concern. In an age when bigger does not always equate to better, Canadians are worried that such unification will be a terribly costly mistake. The writer discusses the pros and cons of the Canadian bank mergers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Canabank.wps
Canadian Banks
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A 9 page research that focuses on the proposed mega-mergers in the Canadian banking system, using Les Whittington's book. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: 99canbks.rtf
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