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Papers On Canadian Studies
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Analysis of Three Article on Canadian History
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This 5 page paper takes a look at three articles submitted by a student. The articles that confront Canadian History during the 1700s are evaluated individually. Much about the fur trade and economy is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA529Can.rtf
Analysis/Article on Canadian Settler Politics
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A 5 page summation and analysis of an article by Stasiulis and Jhappan (1995) entitled "The fractious politics of a settler society." This view on Canadian history not only explains the conflicts of ethnicity and politics that have often characterized events in Canada, but also predicts that such divisions will only become more severe and exacerbated in the immediate future. Examination of their article suggests that the arguments offered by Stasiulis and Jhappan are sound and based on keen insight into the sociological development and evolution of Canada and its peoples. In 1995, their predictions undoubtedly seemed sound. Ten years later, the diversity that Stasiulis and Jhappan felt posed an insurmountable obstacle to Canadian national unity still exists, but the perspective of Canadians toward this element of their culture has changed. Where once unity seemed impossible, it now seems to be a distinct possibility as Canadians embrace their multicultural background. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khstjhch.rtf
Auto Insurance Reform in Ontario (Case Analysis)
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This 14 page paper looks at the problem of automobile insurance in Ontario. The case study takes place in 1990 but reflects historical information on the problem. The organization is evaluated and this analysis is a strict business interpretation of options presented to the president of a small auto insurance firm.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA317Ont.rtf
Benefits and Costs of a Taxpayer Focused (Public) Healthcare System (Canadian Based)
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This is a 5 page paper discussing benefits, costs and possible modernization of the public health care system in Canada. Canadians currently appreciate the public healthcare system in their country mainly because the Canada Health Act guarantees free health care to anyone in the country. Despite this advantage over other countries in which patients have to pay for health care and may be turned away if they are unable to, the Canadian taxpayers also realize that health care costs are increasing and this will eventually become a burden on the average taxpayer. Rather than give up the public system for a private system or a two-tiered system which would create an inequality in health care services for the public, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has offered a report outlining certain areas in the current system which could be modernized including the Canada Health Act. While keeping universal health care as a priority, the CTF believes that the new principles of the system should be public governance, quality, accountability, choice and sustainability in addition to structural changes that would allow for individual accountability measures, intergenerational fairness and a commitment to innovative technologies. The taxpayer would still be the central focus of the health care system while increasing the efficiency of the current system.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TJCanhc1.rtf
Brian Mulroney and the "Free Trade Deal"
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(8 pp). It is now about ten years after the fact,
of the signing of The Free Trade Agreement between
the United States and Canada. In the beginning the
battle cry of the Conservative Party led by Brian
Mulroney (1988), shouted, "Export or Die!" The
other side of the aisle, led by Liberal leader John
Turner,) called it a "dire threat" as well as "an
open invitation to loot the nation's resources and
its till of everything from our water to our
culture, along with eviscerating medicare." This
discussion will look at other positions developed
by Mulroney's original push of the Free Trade
Agreement, as well as projections for its future.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBcanFTA .doc
British Columbia Indians
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A 5 page paper which discusses the issues of class, ethnicity, and race in relationship to the British Columbian Indians. In illustrating many of the truths, and recent conditions, relating to this topic, the paper discusses the struggles of the Cheslatta First Nation. Their story illustrates the many political and racial concerns which involve all indigenous peoples of all nations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAbcind.wps
British Columbia/Economic Impact & Pine Beetle
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A 5 page research paper that discusses the problem of the mountain pine beetle (MPB), which causing catastrophic devastation to British Columbia's $19 million forest industry. The writer explores the economic ramifications of this problem for the province. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: khbcmpb.rtf
British Conquest of New France
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A 10 page research paper that examines the significance of the British conquest of New France. The writer concentrates on how this historical event created two cultures within this region of Canada and pays particular attention to the influence of the Catholic Church. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khbritnf.rtf
Brodie's Opinion on Canada's National Policy
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This 6 page paper examines a chapter written by Janine Brody. The chapter explores Canada's National Policy during the 1800s. An overview of the article and author's main points are conveyed. The URL attached to the chapter is provided in the bibliography.
No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA543nat.rtf
Business and Government in Canada
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This is a 3 page paper discussing business and the Government of Canada relations. Historically, the Canadian government maintained a close relationship with businesses within Canada in that for the large part the Canadian government controlled and owned most of the major business sectors within the country such as natural resources, agriculture, and the transport industries to name a few. This ideology led to a nationalization of the country especially prior and during the years of World War II when Prime Minister Mackenzie King provided a great deal of financial investments in the development of business opportunities within Canada. By the second half of the 20th century, Canada had become a social and welfare state which began to take its toll on the economy and government. During the 1970s and 1980s, “downsizing” and the start of privatization of governmental industries began to take place. Today, the relationship between the Canadian government and business has changed significantly. Through financial support and trade policy, the Canadian government provides assistance to businesses which will encourage national and international investment in Canada. These businesses are those which are in high demand in the global market place and are those which are considered innovative, service-oriented, research, technology and knowledge-based in addition to the already established industries.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJCanbg1.rtf
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