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Papers On Canadian Studies
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A Comparison Between Canadian Religious Ethnic Minorities
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A 12 page research paper that examines three Protestant sects-- The Doukhobors, Mennonites and the Hutterites. The writer specifically looks at the gender roles within these groups and the ways in which communal life impacts the lives of women. Also discussed is the radical fringe group of the Doukhobors, the Sons of Freedom. Bibliography contains 12 sources.
Filename: 90sect.rtf
Canadian Society
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The impact of classical figures on Canadian society is discussed in this 9 page paper. Durkheim, Hegel, Marx and Weber are highlighted in the analysis as having a particular influence. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Canada.wps
Canadian vs. US Foreign Policies
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An 8 page political science paper comparing the foreign policies of Canada and the US. Though the basic ideology of the two countries has more similarities than differences, Canada is more willing to make exceptions in certain areas if those areas affect the good of the country. Examples used are: (1) Canada's acceptance of Chile as an important trading partner after the US rejected Chile for NAFTA because of their political practices; (2) Canada's support of including Romania in NATO over US objections but more because of secessionist rumblings in Quebec and France's support of Romania; and (3) racial and educational discriminatory immigration policies that have caused tensions with the countries of origin. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Canus.wps
Canada Immigration and Multiculturism
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A 5 page essay on the ethnic conflicts in Canada and arguments from the various sides. The paper posits that the ideal of 'multiculturalism' is inconsistent with government policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Candami.wps
Canadian Immigration / A Benefit to All
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A 3 page look at how immigration acts as a positive benefit to the Canadian economy. Points out how Canada's immigration policy gives preference to highly educated and skilled immigrants which pay more into the system than they draw. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: Canadaim.rtf
Economic & Social Impacts Of Canada's Immigration Policies / Benefits and Costs
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A 12 page review of the history of fluctuations in Canada's immigration policies throughout the 20th century and their relationship to economic considerations tied to world-wide and national booms and recessions, demographic trends, unemployment, and citizen opinion. The ways in which immigrants affect spending for social services versus what they may contribute in labor, investments, and entrepreneurial efforts is considered. The social impact of large numbers of immigrants on public opinion and policy is discussed with respect to economic issues. Extensive footnoting from sources.
Filename: Canusim.wps
Immigration Patterns / Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Canada
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An 8 page paper investigating the changes in immigration patterns since 1961 into each of these Census Metropolitan Areas. The data are compared and contrasted in terms of ethnicity, birth place, and labour market. Additionally, the writer comments on whether or not Montreal can be classified as a 4th tier city, according to Knox's definitions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Cmas.wps
Is Canada A Misogynist Society?
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This 15 page paper answers that very question with a resounding 'no' and provides a great deal of theoretical and statistical support to back up the position. Several areas discussed include : divorce laws, pornography laws, battered women statistics as well as male vs. females salaries in the country. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Misocan.wps
Canadian Reform 1900-1921
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A 16 page paper that discusses the reform movements in western Canada between 1900-1921. This paper explores the origins and impacts of the agrarian revolt, suffrage, prohibition, labor and trade union reform and the interconnection between all of these. The major contention presented in this paper is that all of these reform movements were impacted by both religion and the war. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Careform.wps
Canada - U.S. Relations (1710-1899)
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An 11 page research paper on the conflicts between the U.S. and Canada and the evolution of the relationship between the two countries. The writer looks at how the two countries, so economically tied, have held divisive views and how this opinion evolved during the period because of aggressive and unpopular acts by the U.S. against Canada. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Candausa.wps
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