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Papers On Miscellaneous Issues In Business
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Career Paths
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This 11 page paper uses information provided by the student to identify career paths of IT workers, categorising them as slow and steady, explorer, canvasser and zigzag. It is hypothesised that these different career path pattern will attract workers with different anchor needs, using the classifications of Stability/security, employability security, challenge, independence, work/life balance and managerial. The paper outlines how these anchor factors and career paths may align and then designs a questionnaire in two part, designed to identify different categories of workers so that the anchors and career paths can be correlated. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEcarpaths.rtf
Career Planning In Human Resource Management
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A 3 page paper that discusses the role of human resources in employee career planning. The value of career development and planning for both employee and employer is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PGcarer.rtf
Case Analyses
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This 16 page paper has five cases studies. Each is taken form the same book; Cases in International Business: Policies and Strategies by A.M.Truay and Neegbenebor Anthony. Each case has an outline of the problems, states what alternatives were available are then analysed before a conclusion and course of action is recommended. The cases are Harley Davidson, Euro Disney, Toronto Blue Jays, Merrill Electronics Corp and the Bank of Tokyo. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEcase1a.rtf
Case Study : American Express Customer Service
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A 5 page paper based on a case supplied by the student. This case is about a change in customer service at the American Express Card Division. The essay explains what they did and what the results were. It also analyses the methods they used. No bibliography.
Filename: PGamxcs.rtf
Case Study : Bolman And Deal
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This 5 page paper uses Bolman and Deal's Four Frame Analysis to discuss a case study involving the U.S. Forest Service. Specifically, the writer uses two frameworks: the Political Framework and the Human Resource Framework. The scenario is that a pilot program decentralized control but site administrators were not told that a certain pot of money had to be used exclusively for one specific program. A manager leaked this fact to the media and was subsequently transferred involuntarily and is alleging the transfer is unconstitutional. The question is how the manager needs to respond if called before a congressional hearing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PGusfrst.rtf
Case Study : Hours Of Service & Driver Fatigue
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A 40 page paper, including, table of contents, executive summary, illustrations and appendices, based on a case presented by the student. The issue is how the new hours of service regulations will impact a specific short-haul company with a fleet of 500 trucks. The HOS regulations and the use of electronic record-keeping devices are reviewed and included in the paper. A comprehensive analysis of the impact of HOS is provided, which includes numerous calculations to compare weekly and annual payroll under exiting HOS and under the new HOS. Alternative actions are discussed. Other issues discussed include a description and the value of using automated routing programs, and benefits of using automatic on-board record-keeping systems that also include GPS. Specific products are mentioned. A price comparison is included for a Class 3 truck with and without the automatic on-board system. The issue of driver fatigue is discussed in terms of sleep apnea with a recommendation to test all driver applicants for this condition. Statistical data included. 4 Tables/Illustrations are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGtrck2.rtf
Case Study : SafePAC (Qatar)
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This 17 page paper presents an analysis of a case study of the title company provided by the student. SafePAC (QATAR) is a subsidiary of PAC Corporation, an American box-making corporation. SafePAC (QATAR) has faced a great number of very serious problems, including low productivity and high overhead. They are called upon by corporate to reduce expenses and increase production. The essay provides a synopsis of the background of the case, including the particulars surrounding the closure of on plant and the subsequent fallout due to the way the CEO of SafePAC (QATAR) went about getting an affirmative vote for closing the plant. There now exists great hostility towards the CEO from his top-level. The essay makes recommendations for the company at this time to improve productivity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGsafpcq.rtf
Case Study – Phillip Morris Ethical Analysis
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A 9 page paper based on a case study provided by the student. The headings include: principal facts of the case, ethical issues, primary stakeholders, possible alternatives, evaluation of each alternative according to utilitarian, justice/fairness and right/duty perspectives, constraints, implementation of selected alternative. Case has to do with Phillip Morris expanding its cigarette market to Third World and East European countries. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGphmrs.rtf
Case Study: Building A Motivated And Committed Workforce
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This 31 page paper first provides a 3 page research proposal for the study and then a 28 page paper that presents a case study of motivation in a travel agency. The paper begins with a Table of Contents and an Executive Summary. The Introduction provides background information on the company being studied and includes the company's goals: decrease turnover, increase employee motivation and increase revenues. The literature review proceeds a comprehensive explanation and discussion of theories of motivation. These include expectancy theory, needs hierarchy, reinforcement, goal theory and others. The next section explains the methodology for the case study – observation and employee surveys, which is followed by the results of the surveys. The writer then discuses the results and makes several recommendations based on the survey responses and the literature review. 4 Appendices are included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGaumot2.rtf
Case Study: Decentralization, Autonomy, Price Transfer
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An 8 page paper that discusses a case provided by the student. A company has four autonomous divisions. In this case, one division is giving a bid for a project that is much higher than an outside company gave. The essay discusses the manager's justification along with the issue of transfer pricing. Recommendations are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGwkhm.rtf
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