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Papers On Miscellaneous Issues In Business
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Analyzing The External Environment
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A 2.5 page paper. The components of the PESTLE analysis are identified as are Porter's five forces that drive an industry. The writer comments on advantages and disadvantages of each model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGprtps.rtf
Andersen – Enron Relationship
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A 5 page paper that discusses specific aspects of the Enron crisis. The writer first provides 11 points in outline form that describe the relationship between these two companies and the impact this event had on Arthur Andersen. The second part of the paper discusses the parties who were most responsible for the crisis and justifies why these particular people shoulder the most responsibility. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGenand.rtf
Andrew S. Grove
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A 6 page paper which criticizes the entrepreneurship of Andrew S. Grove. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAgrove.rtf
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This 4-page paper provides an overview of women's apparel retailer Ann Taylor. Also discussed are environmental factors impacting Ann Taylor. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTanntay.rtf
Antitrust in the US and Japan
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This 6 page paper contrasts US and Japanese antitrust and antimonopoly law, using recent cases, examining why monopoly positions are bad for the consumers. The paper includes the Toshiba Elevators, the Microsoft case and the case of Image Technical Services v. Kodak. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEantitr.rtf
Antitrust Issues - Case Study: Unique Channel
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A 5 page paper that responds to questions regarding a student-supplied case study. Unique Channel is a radio station company that has found a loophole in the law and dominates the radio market in Denver. The essay addresses these topics: has Unique's business strategy been an advantage or disadvantage for consumers and advertisers; is Unique's business strategy ethical; do competitors have a legitimate complaint against Unique. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGunqu.rtf
AOL Time Warner in a Nutshell
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This 3 page paper considers the entertainment company AOL Time Warner, looks at the company’s strategy, mission statement, financial position compared to other companies in the industry and sector and how it has performed since the merger in 1999. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEaoltw1.rtf
AOL Time Warner Merger
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A 10 page paper that discusses the merger of these two huge corporations. Here was a merger like no other. Not only was it the largest merger in history, it was the first merger of a bricks-and-mortar corporation and a cyberspace Internet corporation, which created a new kind of company that crosses several industries. This paper provides background information on each corporation and the benefits that each company gained from the merger and the potential benefits for the consumer. The writer also discuses why the two companies wanted to merger. The conditions of the FTC and FCC approvals are outlined along with the conditions from the European Union. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGaoltwr.rtf
Apple Computer Inc.
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An 18 page paper. Apple Computer changed the way the world looked at computers in the mid-1970s. This paper provides a brief history and overview of the company, Steve Jobs being replaced by John Scully only to have Jobs return to the company in its time of trouble. The computer hardware industry is discussed including the steps a company must take to be successful and the trends. This is followed by a discussion of the competition in the industry. Information technology and its role in product development at Apple Computer is then described and discussed. Apple's newest innovations are discussed as is its recent partnership with Sun and Ericsson. Data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGmacinf.rtf
Apple Computers: Financial Analysis
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The trended financial information
for apple computers shows the financial reports for the past eight
quarters, from the fourth quarter of 1999 through the third quarter of
2001. This 5 page paper provides a financial analysis based on the
report and provides a summary of reasons why Apple is no longer a good
investment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KTapplec.wps
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