Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Advertising 1920 – 1940
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This 3 page paper considers how advertising changed during the 1920’s and how this reflected class and gender changes. The paper gives examples of advertisements that demonstrate this. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEad1920.rtf
Advertising According to Erikson
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A 4 page paper describing each of Erikson's eight stages of development and identifying a fictional character for each stage. The paper concludes with a short description of three articles describing research focusing on Erikson's theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSadvErikson.rtf
Advertising According to Erikson (2)
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A 4 page paper reviewing three articles of studies featuring Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development in the individual. Even though Erikson did not formulate his theory on the basis of scientific investigation, those coming after him with a desire to establish an empirical basis for either accepting or rejecting Erikson's theory of psychosocial development find that Erikson's theory stands quite well and bears scrutiny when subjected to empirical methods. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSadvErikson2.rtf
Advertising an ADHD Drug
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A 5 page paper criticizing an advertisement appearing in a
national publication and offering an alternative approach. Drug advertising is more demanding
than that for other products, and that advocating the use of drugs to manage ADHD is even more
sensitive than others. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmktgADHD.rtf
Advertising and Public Relations -- Codependent Media Landscapes
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This 7 page report discusses the media landscapes of public
relations and advertising and the ways in which they interact in
the larger processes of public communication. The relationship
between the two demonstrates how the line between where the media
landscape of one reality and the next blur. The report also
briefly discusses how the radical transformation of the business
environment in recent years has been reshaping business
communication. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWmedlnd.wps
Advertising And Youth Tobacco And Alcohol Use
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A 6 page paper that discusses the role advertising plays in the use of tobacco and alcohol among youth. Advertising is about selling images and creating discontent in the audience. At least one study found more ads for tobacco and alcohol in youth-oriented magazines. Another study found a decrease in alcohol use when all ads were banned. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGadysm.rtf
Advertising Communications; Nokia;
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This 6 page paper considers the advertising strategy of Nokia in the mobile telephone market, considering it in isolation with reference to the five communication effects as well as in comparison to other competitors such as Siemen's and Ericsson. The paper looks at specific advertising campaigns and analysis them against this framework. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEnokia3.wps
Advertising Critique and Questions
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Three questions answered in 3 pages, each dealing with some aspect of marketing. The first asks for a critique of a print advertisement; the second asks for a discussion of the “3 Cs” of marketing. The last asks for a profile of the environmentally conscious consumer. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSadvCritQues.rtf
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This 7-page paper focuses on the ethics of advertising, most specifically, advertising to children. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTadethi.rtf
Advertising Hershey Chocolate
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A 7 page paper tracing the advertising of Hershey chocolate from the 1930s through the 1990s and into the present for the purpose of assessing message changes over time. It can be argued that advertising changes society, but in the case of Hershey's chocolate it needed to follow society rather than seeking to change it as leading products changed from cocoa to candy in individual servings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSadvHershey.rtf
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