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Papers On Management Theory & Applied Operations Mgt.
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Marriott and Kotler: Success Story
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Philip Kotler describes a method of marketing management, which applies to the success of the Marriott marketing strategies that began in 1985 as reported by Steve Swartz. Kotler's method is based on customer satisfaction that also satisfies the corporate goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources. jvMariot.rtf
Filename: jvMariot.rtf
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in Business
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A 5 page paper discussing application
of Abraham Maslow's humanistic psychology to the needs of business. Maslow's theories may be
overstated in the belief that people are intrinsically good and intrinsically motivated to improve
themselves and their stations, but they have been found to be overwhelmingly useful in
organizational management and employee motivation enhancement. Successful application in
business depends on moving from one level to the next, however. As Maslow states, the qualities
of any level cease to be motivational once the individual achieves and sustains that level. Includes
one chart. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSMaslowHier.wps
Matching Operations with Market Needs
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This 20 page paper considers the argument that Marketing's function is to identify the needs of customers, and that it is Operations Management which has the role of providing the required products or services in a way that satisfies the criteria imposed by the market. This paper considers how an electronics company may achieve a good match though the use of TQM. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Filename: TEmarmat.rtf
McDonald's as a Model of Excellence
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This 7 page paper provides several models of analyses when evaluating McD's for its stellar corporate organization and strategizing. The McKinsey 7-S model is used along with a SWOT analysis and an evaluation uses Porter's Five Forces Model. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA245McD.rtf
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This 4 page paper considers what it meant by the term mechatronics and how, when understood this enhance manufacturing possesses. The paper looks at examples of simple mechatronics and hew these can be applied in manufacturing to increase efficiently and productivity, decrease costs and support competitive advantages such as differentiation. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEmechatronic.rtf
Metaphorical Analysis: Southwest Airlines And "Irish Conversation"
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5 pages in length. The writer provides parallels between Southwest Airlines and the metaphor 'Irish Conversation,' pointing out the relationship between its marketing division as guided by owner Herb Kelleher and many of the metaphor's same identifying elements: highly individualistic; often religion-focused; intense; must give reasons; ironic wit; certain ritual questions require response covering particular points; agile combination of facts and principles; strongly felt opinions; dearly held values; and proves worth as a person. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCSthWst.rtf
Michael Porter – Strategy
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This 5 page paper is an analysis of what Michael E. Porter defines and describes as strategy. Porter explains that operational effectiveness is not strategy. Strategy is about choices, operational effectiveness is not. The discussion incorporates Porter's three broad generic categories that may be used to gain a competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGprtst.rtf
Michael Porter, Gary Hamel And C. K. Prahalad: Differences In Strategic Approach To Busines
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29 pages in length. The ideas of Michael Porter of Harvard Business school have regularly been compared and contrasted with those of Gary Hamel of the London Business School and C. K. Prahalad of the University of Michigan. In 'What is Strategy,' Porter outlines the ideas of business strategy that are akin to his legacy as a business analyst, which
significantly diverge from those of Hamel and Prahalad in their collective article entitled 'Strategy as Stretch and Leverage.' These contrasting points of view have compelled many within the business industry to reconsider the best
strategic application for addressing business competition. The writer discusses these principles as they relate to Broderbund Inc. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: TLCMprtr.wps
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This paper examines the management style of Microsoft, Inc., and determines how that style has led to the company's success. Under discussion are topics including employee recruitment and maintenance and missions and goals. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: MTmicros.rtf
Microsoft and Management Theory
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A 15 page paper providing an overview of Microsoft's evolution over the years, applying management theories such as those of contingency, leader member exchange, path-goal and other current theories. The success of Microsoft has not lay with its products so much as it has with its management and dogged determination not to quit. Microsoft products may have made us all groan over the past generation, but the company stands as the example of management theory put into astute practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSmicrosMgmt.rtf
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