Papers On Management Theory & Applied Operations Mgt.
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Change Models And Leadership
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A 4 page paper based on several article reviews. The essay responds to two questions, the first relates to a change model not included in the readings. Kotter's eight phases is briefly described. The rest of the paper reports the leadership skills identified or implied in the articles about change. Specific attention is paid to Theory E and Theory O and which leadership style could be adopted for each of these change theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGchn08.RTF
Changing Roles Of Accountants With E-Commerce
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A 12 page paper. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has changed all aspects of how business operate, including the roles of accountants. In today's e-business world, accountants have the opportunity to become even more important to their clients if they have technology knowledge and skills in addition to their knowledge of fiscal matters. This essay explores these changes and includes examples. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PGacctec.rtf
Filename: PGacctec.rtf
Characterizing the Commitments of Total Quality Management
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This comprehensive 14 page paper consider what is meant by TQM, how it may be implemented and what it will mean in terms of commitment to customers, processes, employees and the use of data. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Filename: TEtqmmod.wps
Claire’s Antiques
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This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student, looking at how just in time inventory management will help with production and inventory management problems in a firm with facing volatile demand. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEclairJIT.rtf
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This 5 page paper comments on the origins of the co-leadership model and its re-emergence. The essay discusses what co-leadership is, the pros and cons of the model and offers one example of how it works successfully in a large corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGcoldr.RTF
Coca-Cola Supply Chain
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This 3 page paper examines the supply chain of Coca Cola around the world and considers why PepsiCo has a better logistics system than Coca Cola. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcokeSC.rtf
College and University Branding: Creating and Maintaining Positive Institutional Images in American Colleges and Universities
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A 15 page overview of the many factors which affect institutional image. The author emphasizes that not only does institutional image affect the quality and number of students that an institution can attract, it also affects the future of the students themselves. Institutional image permeates every aspect of the educational institution. Everything from admissions, to public information, to athletics is both affected by and affects institutional image. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPcolleg.rtf
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This 10 page paper discusses those characteristics inherent in successful leaders based on the theories of Lussier and Achua. Personal account exampled utilizing Lussier Achua theories. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBlussier.rtf
Communicating Between Projects
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A 9 page paper on one aspect of project management. What happens to all the knowledge gained from experiences project team members have during the project process? Companies need to have a procedure to allow knowledge to be communicated company-wide. Companies have vast amounts of underutilized knowledge and information because there is no sharing process established. Instead, the project manager and team members have knowledge that winds up locked in their hard drives but inaccessible to anyone else. This essay discusses tools that can be used to communicate the knowledge to everyone. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGprjmgc.rtf
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This 4-page paper discusses three companies and talks about what types of organizational structures they have encompassed, and how such structures can change corporate culture. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTcomstr.rtf
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