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Papers On International Business
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Globalization as a Solution
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This 8 page paper explores the possibility of globalization being a solution for Europe’s unemployment crisis. Causes for the high unemployment rate in Europe are discussed. Free outline included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA10Unem.wps

Globalization, Multilateralization & The North American Free Trade Agreement
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An 8 page overview of the concepts of globalization and multilateralization and their relation to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Multilat.wps

Globalization, New Product Development, and the Pharmaceutical Industry
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This 12 page report discusses the various issues associated with the ways in which the pharmaceutical industry has faced the challenges and rewards of globalization. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWglophr.rtf

Globalization’s Effects on Culture
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A 5 page paper discussing this controversial point. Multinational organizations have found over the years that it is to their benefit to work within the local culture rather than against it. Globalization does affect local culture, but many of the changes involved can be seen as being positive ones. Today’s multinationals increasingly realize that they have power over local cultures, and the best-managed of these organizations strive to operate in concert with important traditions that do not conflict with international ideas of acceptable behavior. The end result is that positive qualities of national cultures can be preserved while more unattractive ones – such as disregard for human rights – can be minimized as the people’s standard of living improves along with the growth of business. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSglobalCultur.rtf

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This paper discusses strategic alliances made by General Motors Corporation, and how those alliances provide more benefits than do forming wholly owned subsidiaries in different companies. The paper also discusses how GMC partners benefit from such an alliance as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTgmalli.rtf

GPS One-Hour Service
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A 5 page analysis of GPS One Hour Service based on the information presented in a case study which was prepared by Els van Weering. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: RAgpshour.wps

Grand National Apparel, Inc.
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An 8 page paper discussing social responsibility; the company's involvement in political and bureaucratic activities; its ethical behavior; and steps it can take to prepare for the future. One of the 50 best-managed private companies in Canada, Grand National is an apparel manufacturer concerned about its future after WTO rules eliminate trade quotas in 2005. The president is active with trade associations, local politics and efforts to seek out and end sweatshop practices in Canada. The paper recommends that Grand National focus on marketing the quality it has been producing for a generation, and seek to identify other approaches to business so that it can begin to retrain employees prior to 2005, when it is expected that US and Canadian markets will be flooded with Asian imported goods. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSGrNatlApp.wps

Greek Shipping: Meeting and Surpassing the Competition
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A 40 page examination of the Greek shipping industry and competitive forces, followed by a proposal for merger of the management companies of all current Greek shippers. Increasing outside competition is normal for the Greek shipping industry, but increasing regulations and environmental protections have increased costs to the point that Greek shipping is not as competitive as it once was. The paper proposes that all companies merge management function into a holding company that can then offer shares for sale to investors. The proposed structure enables current owners to retain ownership while combining forces to enable all to be more efficient and effective in competing in the growing worldwide shipping industry. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSgrShipMgmt.rtf

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This 43 page paper is an in-depth examination of the Gucci group. The paper begins with the history of the company under the guidance of Guccio Gucci and the way it developed after his death in 1953. The paper looks at the fall of the company and its recovery under Dominico De Sole and Tom Ford. The paper then examines the current position of the company, including the strategic alliance with PPR and the strategies that have been used by the company. This includes how it markets its products, the product mix using the BCG matrix, the role of acquisition and finally a financial analysis to ascertain the impact that the strategies of the last few years had had on the company’s performance. The bibliography cites 41 sources.
Filename: TEgucci1.rtf

Harvard Case: Export Of Pesticides
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This 5 page paper is based on a Harvard case study about exporting pesticides from the U.S. to developing countries. It is a paper that deals with ethics and morality. Sections include a synopsis of the scenario, the environment, the issues involved in the case, alternatives, recommendations and conclusions. This is not as clear-cut a case as it might seem. Fields that are treated will produce about 40 percent more crop than untreated fields. For countries that do not have enough food, the morality of selling them the chemicals is almost a moot question. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGpestc.rtf

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