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Papers On International Business
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European Union: Manufacturing
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A 6 page paper discussing how monetary union has affected European manufacturers. All barriers have not been removed from trade in Europe, but most barriers that formerly existed between member nations no longer exist. Overall economic conditions continue to improve as other nations seek to join the EU as well, which will further enhance the benefits of EU membership for those already belonging to the group. The single market still is a long way from reality in Europe, and it is doubtful that Great Britain ever will agree to join. As it exists at present, the EU has been beneficial for Europe's manufacturers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSEuroUnion.wps

Evaluating Potential Markets
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This 24 page paper considers how a potential market may be evaluated. The paper uses the example of a company that supplies telecommunications infrastructures and considers how the company may assess the markets available. The paper considers aspects such as the lifecycle of the industry, the use of simulation models and the value of competitive intelligence. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Filename: TEevalmk.rtf

Everything Gets Shipped by Truck
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A 6 page paper describing shipping a truckload of goods from the production plant to the customer. The company calling for shipping is the manufacturer of digital telephone switches; its carrier is a national carrier that leases trucks for specific uses, leases fleets, and provides drivers on contract basis to businesses with continuing need for shipping. The first part of the paper describes the process; the last is a description of a trip from North Carolina to San Francisco in mid-winter. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Truckin.wps

Evolution of International Law
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A 5 page paper evaluating the statement, "International law is a continuing process of authoritative decision by which members of the world community identify, clarify and secure their common interests." The paper discusses the International Court and the World Trade Organization, finding that the WTO carries the greatest weight as an authoritative international body and supporting the original statement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSintlLawEvo.rtf

Expanding A Construction Company To Jamaica
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A 5 page paper. A construction company in London is considering expanding to Jamaica. This paper reports the economy, the culture, and the telecommunications capabilities in Jamaica. It also includes considerations for setting up an intranet. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGjmca.rtf

Expanding Into Malaysia and the US
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A 15 page paper discussing factors to consider in contemplating expanding internationally. An Australian bulb manufacturer has interest in expanding into Malaysia and the US, and needs to assess the economic, political and business environments in each nation. The company seeks to establish wholly-owned subsidiaries in each nation, and evaluates here the factors that can affect the company's success. It will be necessary to assess political and economic environments not only in Malaysia and the US, but within Australia as well. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSgloMyAu.wps

Expanding Tesco’s to Japan
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This 10 page paper outlines a fictitious plan to expand the UK supermarket into Japan. The paper considers the core competences and the existing competitive advantages that catheterise the company and then outline who these will fit in with the Japanese market. Issues such as resources and feasibility are also included. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEtesjap.tf

Expanding Victoria's Secrets into Russia
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This 7 page paper considers the use of franchises to expand into another country. The writer considers the background information that would be needed, and then considers how supply and demand as well as marginal costing calculations may be used to maximise profits form a new product introduced through the franchises. The paper uses the example of Victoria's Secrets. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEvicsec.rtf

Export Risks
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This 6 page paper considers the different risks that may be encountered by an exporting business and the strategies that may be utilised so that the risks may be reduced or eliminated. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEexpris.wps

Exporting American Equipment To South Korea
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This 8 page paper discuses the fitness equipment market in South Korea. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the country, including basic population data. The writer discusses the fact that the fitness equipment industry in this South Korea is expanding, which could result in opportunities for American exporters. The writer then discusses a number of issues related to doing business in South Korea, such as licenses, registrations and taxes. A recent survey of companies operating there is reported, which illustrates definite drawbacks in terms of persistent labor problems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGkorea2.rtf

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