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Papers On International Business
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This 5-page paper discusses the economies of France and Germany and why the German economy is in trouble. Also under discussion is the appointment of Jean-Claude Trichet to the position of President of the European Central Bank, and what this won't need for the European economy as a whole. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTgerfra.rtf

Germany's Textile Industry
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A 5 page paper discussing Germany's chosen focus in its textile industry. There is no question that Germany is perfectly capable of producing its own textiles to avoid importing as much fabric and finished goods that it does. Production costs are prohibitively high, not only in labor but also in agricultural production of raw materials. Land is at a premium and too costly for field crops to be profitable in Europe's most populous country. Manufacture and export of textile machinery allows Germany to remain a world leader in the industry in an area more suited to Germany's physical limitations, while allowing Germany to further exercise its engineering expertise and leadership. Three figures. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSGermTextile.wps

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This 5-page paper is an overview of the Global Electronic Trade Alliance, the issues it faces and the educational programs it offers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTgetaan.rtf

Gillette: A Multinational Corporation
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5 pages. The Gillette Corporation is a multinational Corporation operating in over one hundred countries in the world. This paper will explain how a company operates when each of the markets is as diverse as those in different countries all over the world. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAshave.rtf

Glaxo Wellcome's Asian Presence
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A 12 page paper discussing the company's move into China. Glaxo Wellcome is one of the world's most respected pharmaceutical companies, having originated from the 1995 merger of two of the same. Strong in marketing and planning now, the company is suffering from the loss of its best-selling drug to the generic market after losing patent rights to it in 1997. Sir Richard Sykes became chairman of Glaxo in 1993 and immediately set the company to work searching for new drugs to replace the loss of its best-selling ones; the resulting lag, though costly in terms of revenue, gives the company time to turn more attention to becoming one of China's most important Western pharmaceutical manufacturers and marketers. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSGWAsia.doc

Global Account Management
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This 5 page paper looks at global account management according to information submitted by a student. The pitfalls of global accounts are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA242pit.rtf

Global Beer; A Case Study in International Trade
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This 16 page paper consider the Case of Global Beer, a company that wish to enter the Japanese marketplace. The paper considers the cultural differences they may face, the various entrance options that they have, such as franchising, direct exporting, the use of a trading company and management contracts. The paper ends with a recommendation of the best methodology for this company, accompanied by an explanation of the logical reasons behind the recombination. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Filename: TEglobalb.wps

Global Branding
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A 7 page paper. Global branding means creating a position for a brand on a global level. It is an undertaking that requires careful research and large investments but it can pay off handsomely. This paper discusses branding, in general, and then discusses global branding. Both the advantages and disadvantages of global branding are presented. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGglbr.wps

Global E-Commerce And The Small Business
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A 5 page paper that discusses the growth of electronic commerce. E-commerce continues to grow at exponential rates. It is the one technology that allows a small business to compete with larger corporations. This essay provides data and examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGsmnet.wps

Global Expansion of a Business
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7 pages. In order to be accepted into the international market, American business must abide by the rules and customs as set forth by the culture of that country; in spite of the fact that many countries have had a slowed economy in the past few years, that does not mean that American-based commerce is not still thriving. This paper will explain the methods and recommendations that businesses consider expanding internationally in order to increase their business. With the understanding and know-how of conducting business overseas businesses can be successful. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAduhbs.rtf

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