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Papers On International Business
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Eastman Kodak Company
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An 11 page paper that provides an overview of the Eastman Kodak Company. Selected fiscal data is included. The writer discuses regarding Kodak's stock share prices and comments on the effects of futures, options and currency forwards on the company. The EU is also discussed in terms of its impact on the company. 1 table is included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGkodak.msw

eBay – A SWOT Analysis
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This well written 7 page paper undertakes a comprehensive and in-depth SWOT analysis of eBay, looking at its strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEebay1.rtf

Economic Effect of Job Movement
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A 5 page paper examining the question of how the loss of jobs from a local area, a state and the country affects workers, as well as whether workers in other countries are exploited by the practice of moving from an area of high labor costs to one of much lower costs. Though abuses do exist, wages generally are not as "exploitive" as they can appear. When living costs are only a fraction of those of the US, then wages reduced by that same percentage are not unfair. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSjobMoves.wps

Economic Effects Of Multinationals On Host Nations
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A 16 page paper that addresses this question: Do multinationals exploit or expand the economies of host nations? In other words, what impact does a multinational have on the host nation's economy? This report begins with an introduction in which globalization is discussed and where the recent hostilities towards multinational corporations have been expressed by different people. The next section discusses the economic effects of multinational corporations per research investigations. Data regarding different aspects of the economic situation are provided, such as the increase in employment figures in Turkey and other nations. Studies that involve a number of nations are included, e.g., Ireland and China. The writer offers conclusions based on the literature presented. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGmncec.rtf

Economics Of Singapore
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Singapore is one among few nations that has been extremely successful in their economic policies favoring globalization in both domestic as well as foreign policies. This 8 page paper explores the foreign and domestic economic policies of this city, state in relation to the 'age of globalization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KTsngpre.wps

Effective Management of a Global Organization
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A 6 page paper on techniques for managing a global organization. The writer suggests several different points to be considered in successfully managing an overseas business operation. No Bibliography.
Filename: Globlmgt.wps

Effects of Free Trade in Developing Countries Analyzed
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This 12 page research paper examines the impact of free trade in the developing countries of the world. Specifically considered are the effects of free trade in terms of economics, environment and workers' rights in such countries as China, India, Latin America, and Sri Lanka. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Freetra2.wps

Effects of Milosevic's Departure on Yugoslavian Business
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A 5 page paper discussing Slobodan Milosevic's defeat in recent elections and what that defeat might mean for the Yugoslave economy. Economic growth based on activity in the private sector is the only path that can be depended on to lead to the goal of self-sufficiency and fiscal responsibility. Yugoslavia was ruled by a man who either did not care about the people in his country or had no loyalty to his nation. In the case of Milosevic, it could have been a combination of the two factors. The primary obstacle to growth and to business is gone now, however, leaving Yugoslavia open for new businesses to move in. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSmiloYugo.wps

Effects Of September 11, 2001 On Tourism
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A 12 page paper that addresses two issues: tourism since the attacks on America and how Americans are treated abroad. The paper focuses on four cities, Hong Kong, Dublin, Paris and Rome. Using several sources, the writer reports the data regarding the dramatic decrease of American tourists in these cities following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The data include loss of revenue, percentage decline, and loss of jobs, as available. The writer then discuses how Americans are treated in those cities since the attack. There really is little or no difference, which brings in a discussion of historical perceptions of Americans. The essay discusses the state of the tourism and travel prior to the attacks and the many mitigating factors before and since that have affected tourism. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGtur4ci.rtf

Employee Relations in Japan 1850 – 1950
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This 8 page paper examines how industrial relations developed during this influential time in Japanese commercial history. The paper begins with the introduction of the modern corporation into Japan, the changes that took place during the Meiji Restoration and the way that culture impacted on the relationship during industrialisation. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Filename: TEjaphrm.rtf

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