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Papers On International Business
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Business, Government & Society
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15 pages in length. The writer discusses the following topics: business social performance in a three-fold society; the strategic management of public issues; competitiveness in a global marketplace; multinational business/government relations; ethical decision-making; and government regulation of business. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Bgs.wps
Cadbury and ACAS; A Comparison of Products, Services and Operations
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This 6 page paper looks at two organisations; Cadbury’s, part of the Cadbury Schweppes group, and ACAS; the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. The paper looks at the two organisations to show how, despite vast differences in products and services as well as stakeholders, there are commonalities in the way products and services are developed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEcadacaspro.rtf
Cadbury Trebor Allan Inc. In Canada
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This 5 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The paper identifies the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external opportunities and threats following the merger between Cadbury Neilson and Trebor Allan in 2001 and uses the results to make some recommendations.
Filename: TEcadtreb.rtf
Can KFC Work in Japan?
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A 10 page international business study addressing this very question. The writer looks at the problem and successes of Japan's KFC operation and suggests where changes need to be made in the promotional strategy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Kfc.wps
Canada as a Business Relocation Site / Consultant Report
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A 12 page paper discussing since the advent of NAFTA, Canada has come into the position of offering US businesses sound and competitive reasons for relocating there. Canada has advantages unique to their country that can be seen to provide a solid business case for nearly any US company contemplating relocation to consider Canada as their next point of expansion. The labor force is well educated and hard-working and is suitable for nearly any application except low-end manufacturing. Canada's standard of living is such that labor costs probably are prohibitive only for that activity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Canreloc.wps
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This 12-page paper explains how a Canadian exporter can send goods to mainland China for purchase. The paper focuses on the need for a strong Chinese network, as well as the government's impact on international trade. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTcanexp.rtf
Canada Resists U.S. Pressure on Drug Sales (Article Review)
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This 4 page paper examines the pharmaceutical industry though this New York Times article. An outline is included. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA507Ca.rtf
Canadian Trade: Global, Local and Inter-Provincial Trade Barriers
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This is a 3 page paper discussing different perceptions and aspects of Canadian trade in regards to municipal, provincial and global levels. Canadian trade varies in regards to its acceptance, perception and policies on the municipal, provincial or global levels. Many World Trade Organization (WTO) Members find that certain restrictive policies and tariffs in Canada present barriers in some markets although the WTO has found that access to the Canadian market is “generally liberal” despite some protectionist measures within the country. Canadian businesses interested in inter-provincial trade have found that the inter-provincial barriers are often too costly and it is more cost efficient to promote trade markets within the U.S. than within Canada itself; barriers which trade boards and chambers of commerce should eliminate in order allow Canadian businesses to prosper within Canada. On the other hand, certain municipalities have found that trade policies related to the GATS agreement have “liberalized” services to such an extent that national and international businesses now challenge local businesses; businesses municipalities wish to shield.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJCantr1.rtf
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This 25-page paper is a destination location analysis of Cancun, in Mexico. The paper includes a detailed analysis of existing structures and facilities, as well as assets available for development. The paper also touches on the liabilities of the region. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MTcancun.rtf
Career Anchors; A Discussion of Findings
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This 21 page paper is written as a discussion section in a dissertation that examines the presence and type of career anchors seen in the Nigerian IT industry. The paper examines the students results form quantitative and qualitative research and compares these to the empirical research and current models.
Filename: TEcatpath1.rtf
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