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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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Fiduciary Relationships
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A 5 page paper. Fiduciary relationships are complex and often not written as a contract between employer and employee. This paper discusses some of the fiduciary responsibilities and obligations of the employee and manager of a company. Topics include bribes, kickbacks, conflict of interest, moving to another company and other related issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGfidrel.wps

Finding The Right People For The Job
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A 7 page paper addressing the increasing problem for employers of finding experienced, qualified people to fill both new and existing ositions. As the US economy continues its long prosperous upswing, it is increasingly difficult for employers to remain fully staffed, particularly at the blue collar and retail level. The paper gives the example of how the Chubb Group instituted policy changes to encourage employees to remain with the company. Competitive pressures are only building and businesses have to do all they can to contain costs and increase productivity in order to remain competitive. Constantly replacing or searching for qualified employees is a costly proposition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: RightOne.wps

Flexibility and the Modern Workforce
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This 10 page paper considers the increasing importance of a flexible workforce. The economic push and the social pull factors are considered, as are actual examples of the implementation of flexible work practices on British employees. The use of flexibility as a formal or an emergent strategy is also discussed. Finally, comparisons are made between the flexibility between workers within Britain, the United States and Germany. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEflewor.wps

Flexible Benefits Plans in the Workplace
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A 5 page paper discussing the advantages and disadvantages of cafeteria benefits plans. Organizations offer varied types of benefits that can be tailored to the specific needs of the employee at any stage in his life. The one with young children can opt for child-oriented benefits; that one nearing retirement can focus on increasing pension payments. Companies cannot only arbitrarily choose what they will offer, though. The flexible benefits plan is highly regulated by the IRS, and there can be wide discrepancies in cost to the company. This paper discusses some of the reasons an organization might choose to offer such varied plans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSflex.doc

Flexible Office Hours Proposal - Diablo Drilling Corporation
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Flexible Office Hours Proposal - Diablo Drilling Corporation: A 10 page paper that presents a proposal suggesting the implementation of a flexible work schedule for the employees of the main business office of a small drilling contracting company. Also discussed are the various ways that this option could benefit both employer and employee. The purpose of the plan, which is to reduce the amount of productive work time lost by initiating the option of more flexible work hours, is thoroughly explained as it applies to a small office with a total of four participating employees. Also included are technical and management plans, organization qualifications, cost analysis and recommendations. Bibliography lists 5 sources. LCDiablo.doc
Filename: LCDiablo.doc

Flexing the Human Capital Budget - Modern Employee Incentive Plans
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A 12 page paper that examines the innovative employee incentive and reward programs that are shaping the workplace of the twenty-first century. Discussed are job sharing programs, flexible work schedules, and on-site daycare facilities. Also included is a brief description of present movements pushing for paid family-leave and the recognition of domestic partnership benefit eligibility and how these issues are projected to affect the modern workplace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: LCflex.doc

Force Field Analysis
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12 pages in length. Force field analysis is an effective technique which can be used to analyze the problems with teamwork and teambuilding in large organizations. With this method a plan of action can then be developed. This paper analyzes the technique in order to resolve such problems based on the force field analysis. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: JGAfield.wps

Ford Motor Company
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An 8 page paper. The first part of this paper offers a general overview of Ford Motor Company, including its global position and revenues, profits and number of vehicles sold in 2000. The rest of the paper focuses on employee issues and most specifically, on the sexual harassment and discrimination cases brought against the company. The settlement with EEOC is described as is subsequent charges against managers and the company. Recommendations are made regarding these issues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGfrdhar.rtf

Former Military Personnel, Communication, and the Civilian Workplace
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This 11 page report discusses effective communication processes and former military personnel in the corporate workplace. All aspects of communication, whether business-based or personal are directed toward specific audiences and addresses issues that are most relevant to their particular concerns. This is particularly evident in the workplace and cause distinct problems when workers with significantly different experience and work background are brought together. ). Even though a private sector organization has a lot to gain by hiring somebody from the military -- skills, training, leadership abilities, discipline -- there is also a great deal of retraining that needs to take place, not the least of which is in the realm of communication. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: BWmilcom.wps

Four Essays on Technical Management
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20 pages. Consisting of four five-page essays, this paper includes the following topics: Customer focus and satisfaction, Technology Transfer, Managing Innovation and Managing Relationships. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: JGAdruck.wps

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