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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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How The Field Of Human Relations Will Impact Families & Organizations In The Year 2001
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6 pages in length. Effective communication represents the cohesive element that binds personal and professional relationships, without which contemporary commerce or future families could not exist. Within the individual focus of human relations – which differs from human resources concern with the total organizational climate – exists the quest for unity so as to provide for a harmonious and productive environment; if the atmosphere reflects more friction than integration, the overall collection of individuals will suffer both as a group and as separate entities. What it comes down to in a phrase for human relations in the twenty-first century is strategic people management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLC_HR.wps

How to Fire an Employee
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5 pages. Firing an employee should be as easy as saying "You're fired!" correct? Wrong, according to the experts in this well-researched paper. Covered are the ways to go about firing an employee without threat of repercussions, lawsuits and hard feelings. This is an excellent problem-solving essay that will help anyone who currently has employees or expects to have employees in the future. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAufird.rtf

How To Use The Internet To Find A Job
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A 5 page paper that explains how to use the Internet to find a job. The writer first discusses the use of the Internet for job searching, in general. Monster.com is then accesses with specific job searches conducted and the results reported. Using the Internet to find a job is becoming a commonplace event and knowing how to access this information is essential to those searching for jobs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGjobmns.rtf

HR Case Study: Maple Leaf Shoes, Ltd
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A 6 page paper. Using student-supplied materials, the writer discusses the need for a shoe company to upgrade and update its HR department. This includes identifying the issue, or problem, reporting the consultant's interview reviews, identifying possible solons to he issue and selecting one as the recommended course of action. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: PGhrcnda.rtf

HR/Personnel Within the Avon Company
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5 pages in length. In the HR/Personnel function within Avon Cosmetics Ltd/UK, there are several human resource challenges currently facing the organization. Because the company is getting into department stores in order to better evolve from it's previous door-to-door format, there has been a different type of management problem on the human resource level. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAavonl.wps

HR: Identifying and Implementing Strategic Changes
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A 21 page paper discussing identifying and implementing necessary change. In just over a decade, we have experienced a lengthy recession; the longest period of economic growth ever known in the US; and finally another recession assisted in part by the terrorist attacks of September 11. A factor that has been common to all these shifts has been that it is still difficult to find qualified and experienced employees, regardless of the state of the labor market. Simultaneously, the face of business has changed such that it is more competitive now than at any other time. All organizations need to be more efficient and productive. A strategic use of HRM has been to maximize employees' ability to be as effective as possible. One company realized that addressing home and family needs could positively affect its bottom line, while enabling it to become and remain an employer of choice and so have greater power to attract qualified candidates. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KShrStratChu.rtf

HRM Development
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An 11 page paper discussing most aspect of the human resource function. Today’s human resource management (HRM) function still carries the same responsibilities it did before the entire face of business changed over the past generation. Rather than being only a clearing house for résumés and benefits, HRM is now a full partner in the organization. Labor is one of any organization’s highest single costs, and every business needs to gain as much benefit as possible in return. As businesses continue to be pressed to operate ever more efficiently, HRM continues to be challenged not only to keep up, but also to stay ahead of the organization’s labor needs. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: KSHRdevelop.rtf

HRM Issues
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This 10 page paper is written in two parts. The first par considers issues that may be seen in any organisation, in this case it is a UK university that is used as the example and looks at appraisals and performance management, payment systems, recruitment and selection of lecturers, and training and development of lecturers. The second part of the paper then looks at how a training plan may be developed. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEhrmuni.rtf

HRM Policy and Practice at Marks and Spencer
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This 8 page paper looks at the company Marks and Spencer and considers the recent and current HRM policies, the impact these policies and practices have had and the way they may be improved for the future. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEmrshrm.rtf

HRM Practices in Denmark
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This 10 page paper considers the ways in which human resource policies in Denmark differ form other countries. The paper considers the HRM culture and manifestations of that culture thought policies such as flexitime and job share. The paper places the policies into context by making a comparison with the UK. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEdenmrk.wps

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