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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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Ageism In the 1990s
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Ageism In the 1990s: A 4-page descriptive paper outlining the problem of ageism in employment. Included are the specific practices the term covers, what has been done to combat it and how age discrimination stands as we go into the 21st century. Lists 4 references
Filename: 99ageism.rtf
Ageism in the Workplace.
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(5 pp) Action must be taken to correct the serious
situation where a very significant percentage of
people over 50 are economically inactive. There is
no bar to their employment other than an attitude
by many employers that they are too old! And as my
Grandfather used to chuckle in German, 'We are too
soon old, and too late smart.' The United States
work force is starting an interesting period of time
: four defined generations of workers are all
competing for the same space. All four have
qualities that employers are looking for, all four
have liabilities which can be compensated by one
or more of the other groups. Bibliography lists 2
Filename: BBagewrk.rtf
Alterative Pay Structures
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This 6 page paper considers the different types of pay structures that are available, Discuss and evaluate how alternative payment systems might suit different organizations operating in different markets. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEpaystru.rtf
American Express: Benefits of Structure and HRM
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A 6 page paper discussing how structure supports American Express’ efforts to remain an employer of choice. American Express provides several examples of what constitutes “doing it right.” From its African-American CEO to its line workers, the company enjoys status as an employer of choice. It has attained that position over a period of years, and the distinction has enabled it to withstand external circumstances that ended the existence of many of the companies of the travel industry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtAMEX.rtf
Americans With Disabilities Act
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This 6 page paper explores the Americans With Disabilities Act and provides an overview of pros and cons. The paper concludes that legislation is needed, and even more must to be done due to rampant discrimination against people with disabilities. Free 1 page outline included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: ADA.rtf
Amitai Etzioni - Types Of Power
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This 3 page paper describes the types of power found in organizations according to Etzioni's framework - coercive, calculative and normative. The writer offers comments on the effectiveness of each type of power. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGetzio.rtf
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This 6-page paper provides an analysis about a segment on CNN's Moneyline on the export of U.S. jobs. The paper analyzes this particular program, discusses literature pertaining to the topic, then determines if the program was biased. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTCNNmon.rtf
An Auto Dealer’s HR Decision: In-House or Outsource?
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A 6 page paper weighing the question of whether a 70-employee auto dealership should institute an in-house HR department. The paper assesses available options and the shift of HR focus over the years to conclude that yes, the company should implement a new strategic HR function in-house rather than outsourcing mere recordkeeping outside company. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: KShrIn-House.rtf
An Employers Perspective on Trade Unions
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This 5 age paper considers why an employer may not like the idea of unions in the workplace. The writers looks at perspectives such as the traditional conflict role and the older forms of collectivism, as well as the impact on the balance of power in the employment relationship. The writer then considers the role of individualism, and why an employer may find this preferable to unionisation, and then the paper discusses how employee may still make their voices heard along with the newer forms of collectivism. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEtradeu.rtf
An Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace
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An 8 page discussion of the types of ethical dilemmas that confront employees in the workplace. Ethical discretions, such as the issue of e-mail privacy, have the potential to be tremendously deleterious to employee and workplace. This paper provides an example of a fictional systems administrator and corporation whose high ethics serve to protect e-mail privacy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPethWrk.rtf
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