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Papers On Business Ethics
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Making Ethical Decisions in Business
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This 7 page report
discusses an organization’s obligation to carefully examine the
ethics of their decisions in business. Most moral philosophy and
ethical behaviors begin with the proposition that there are
certain responsibilities that individuals must adhere to simply
by virtue of their own humanity. Obviously, such a proposition
also applies to the workplace. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWdeceth.wps
Management & Ethics Research
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A 5 page research paper that, first of all, summarizes the lessons to be learned from a research study conducted by Dane K. Peterson (2002). This paper also relates the information from Peterson's study to theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khbuseth.rtf
Management And Ethical Issues In Business
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10 pages in length. Ethics, business, government and society must work in tandem or there is no purpose for any of its existence. Unethical practices are what harbor ill will and create a climate of contempt and distrust, which is no way to run a business, be it personal or otherwise. Establishing such ethical fortitude is not a difficult objective if one maintains a moral and conscientious outlook. Ethical concerns run rampant among various entities, posing questions along the way as to whether a particular practice is deemed morally acceptable. The writer discusses ethics as it relates to business and management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCbizth.wps
Management Case Study
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This 3 page paper examines a case study submitted by a student regarding Santa Barbara Equipment. The case involves a new employee who oversteps bounds and copies software from the Internet. This creates an unfortunate chain of events. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA422mgt.rtf
Management Ethics & Wal-Mart
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A 6 page research paper/essay that discusses the class action suit filed by female employees of Wal-Mart. This suit involves 1.6 million current and former female Wal-Mart employees who allege that Wal-Mart systematically imposed managerial policies that discriminated against women. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khwalfem.rtf
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This 9-page paper brings up an ethical issue as it pertains to management accounting, and discusses solutions that the controller needs to consider to remain on the right side of ethics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTmaacet.rtf
Marketing Plan for the Center for Business Excellence
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A 10 page marketing plan for The Center for Business Excellence (CBE), a nonprofit organization located and incorporated in New Jersey, which exists for the purpose of promoting sustainability in business, sustainable development and the triple bottom line business model. Its target market is big business. CBE seeks to educate business leaders in the desirability of greater attention to environmental and social matters, while also providing specific business case examples that can deal directly with the objection that sustainability measures are too costly. CBE plans to raise $50,000 and have 1,000 committed volunteers within two years, goals that are quite attainable. CBE will enlist the assistance of two local companies, Dow Chemical and 3M to assist in recruiting corporate program attendees. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSmktgPlCBE.rtf
Max DePree/A Leader in Modern Organization
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A 12 page research paper that argues in favor of the humanistic approach to organizational management, which is exemplified by the former CEO of Herman Miller, Inc., Max DePree. The writer looks at DePree, his organization, his leadership style and qualities and also offers a personal assessment of why he is a successful leader. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khdepled.rtf
McDonald's And Burger King Franchises In Syria
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6 pages in length. When American enterprises like McDonald's and Burger King express a desire to expand beyond their North American continent, there are a number of environmental and distribution issues that must first be addressed; even after business has begun, these same concerns are revisited in an effort to maintain a certain level of commerce throughout Syria. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCBkMcD.rtf
Measuring Quality Within The Corporate Setting
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7 pages in length. Many industry analysts have attempted to demonstrate how important quality measurement methods have actually become to a company's existence, insofar as people have come to depend on its ability to address an organizational crisis. In some sense, this view has helped to define exactly what a leader means, and whether or not the masses place far too much emphasis upon success. Unquestionably, establishing a healthy and productive quality measurement program revolves around cultivating a healthy and productive organizational culture. Management maintains full responsibility when it comes to creating such an environment, ultimately enabling such programs to bring forth the most of a company's quality. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCqlity.wps
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