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Papers On Advertising Issues
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Integrated Marketing Communications – An Analysis
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A 43 page paper. The integrated marketing communications process puts one single, unifying message in front of consumers. Any communication message from the company, whether it is a public relations spot or a full-fledged marketing campaign carries this one message. This paper begins with an introduction that comments on advertising and the hierarchy of effects. It then explains and discusses the differences between integrated marketing communications (IMC) and traditional marketing communication. This is a comprehensive discussion of what IMC is and how it works, ending with a table illustrating the differences between IMC and traditional models. Next, is a brief discussion of the criticism levied against IMC and rebuttal. The writer then presents the results of some IMC campaigns and finally discusses the best uses for the IMC approach. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGimc.rtf
International Automobile Advertising
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A 10 page research paper investigating the advertising practices in China, Japan, and Sweden, with specific emphasis on advertising automobiles. Research studies looking at cultural values as depicted in commercials were reviewed. One common theme among the countries is youth. There are other commonalties as well as differences. Bibliography is included.
Filename: Advercar.wps
Internet Advertising
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5 pages. Not only do consumers rate Internet ads as the least trustworthy, but they rate them as the most annoying as well. Unlike television ads or radio ads which you can simply ignore, the pesky banner and pop-up ads jump into your vision on every website, making it increasingly difficult to concentrate on what you really were looking at. One study shows that eighty-five percent of Internet users find Internet advertising to be annoying as well as ineffective. Included are recommendations to advertisers in this interesting paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAintad.wps
Internet Advertising
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A 6 page research paper that, first of all, offers a survey of different types of advertising on the Internet/Web. Then, two articles pertaining to Internet advertising are summarized and discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khwebad2.rtf
Internet Marketing Differences Between Men and Women
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This 15 page report discusses the ways in which marketers must develop different marketing strategies if they intend to be successful in
selling their products to both men and women via the Internet. Marketing experts and social scientists have become increasingly aware of the fact that men and women, boys and girls, use the
Internet differently than one another. It only makes sense that those hoping to establish a sales presence in electronic commerce be well-aware of those differences and shaper their marketing
strategies to meet the different gender expectations, use, and (of course) potential opportunities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWintgen.wps
Internet Marketing's Continued Evolvution
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An 8 page paper discussing issues of
consumer behavior, promotion strategy and product positioning on the Internet as its use
continues to grow. With all that is uncertain about the evolution of Internet commerce and
the final path it will take as it continues to change, marketers can be certain that they will be
required less to guess what consumers are doing. Tracking and data mining software
increasingly will be in operation to give statistical reports about what consumers are doing
on the Internet and will give marketers a quantitative base from which to work.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSintMktg00.rtf
Internet-Based Advertising
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An 8 page overview of the world transition toward Internet-based advertising. This paper emphasizes the low cost and tremendous effectiveness of the media in capitalizing on the public’s growing tendency to turn to the Internet to research their buying interests. The author emphasizes as well, however, that despite the technological distinction of the Internet, many of the same marketing ploys are necessitated in this new medium as were necessitated by more traditional advertising campaigns. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPwebAdv.rtf
Is Advertising to Blame for Poor Sales?
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Is Advertising to Blame for Poor Sales?: This 5-page essay examines the accuracy of the alleged link between poor advertising and poor sales, and whether or not the finger pointing by marketing management is justified. Yes, the glories of advertising wherein youth, sex and fuzzy animals all sell ‘something else’; but what happens when they just can’t sell enough. Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNAdvert.doc
Filename: SNAdvert.doc
Japanese Fashions and the Western Market
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A 23 page overview of the practicality of introducing Japanese fashions into the Western market. A review of basic marketing premises is provided along with a short history of the evolution of Japanese clothing design. The author of this paper emphasizes that in order for such a venture to be successful a number of factors must be carefully assessed. These include the clothing preferences of both the very rich and influential and such components of the buying public as college students. A proposal is introduced for assessing these preferences using interviews and an e-mail based survey. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: PPjapFsh.rtf
Journal Article Review / The Power Of Sex In Advertising
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3 pages in length. In reviewing this article, the writer makes the point that "sex-ads" are not quite as effective as some marketers think-- they provide very little information about the actual product and ultimately distract the audience from buying.
Filename: Sexads.wps
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