Papers On Business - Management
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Fiber Optics
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A 6 page paper which discusses the advent of fiber optics and how this implementation is effecting various types of industries, such as the telephone industry, as well as the consumers themselves. Technology is moving faster and faster and this is obviously a reality that many industries and consumers desire. As a result of this desire, fiber optics are providing the material for the future of high speed access. Annotated bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: RAoptics.wps
Fiber Product Design
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Considering cost, ease of production, environmental safety and renewable access, the best alternative for floor covering in the future may well be hemp, or cannabis sativa. It has many of the same qualities that make sisal, also a hemp, a viable alternative as well as the added merit of meeting geographical growth requirements within the United States, which would provide further economic incentive. Political deterrents and the lack of processing facilities prohibit the growth of this particular market at this time but these are obstacles easily overcome when considering the benefits. This 13 page paper explores the alternatives in natural fibers, including sisal and hemp, for use in producing an economical, environmentally safe and aesthetically pleasing alternative to synthetic fibers for use as floor coverings. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KThempru.wps
Fictitious Case In Sales Management / Earnings Caps For Top Performers ?
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In this 6 page case analysis of a fictitious company, a top salesperson threatens to leave when her quota to earn bonuses is consistently raised each year to be higher than she earned during the previous year. The company's possible solutions to this problem are evaluated as are the potentially positive and negative outcomes of each. The interest of company & sales morale is figured in and it is ultimately concluded that payscales which reward top performers are indeed the most beneficial in the long run and that caps or "ceilings" should be removed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Salecas4.wps
Fictitious Case In Sales Management / Firing Moonlighters
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In this 7 page case analysis of a fictitious company, a manager finds that one of his salespeople has been lying about the reasons for his sharp decline in sales; Evidently, the rep had been moonlighting at a part-time job and the manager is now confronted with an executive dilemma concerning what course of action should be taken. The writer evaluates the internal and external implications of every possible decision (i.e. impact that firing the rep would have on employee morale, cost of replacing him, effects of disciplining him, effects of changing him over from salary to straight commission, etc;) and ultimately concludes that while it would not be reasonable to fire the salesperson, a switch to straight commission would be most appropriate in this case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Salecas3.wps
Fictitious Case In Sales Management / Hiring & Assimilating Women
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In this 8 page case analysis of a fictitious company, the writer describes the problem faced by an older manager who has not found the same success in assimilating women as he had always found with men. The same motivations and invitations to social affairs that improved rapport with male salespeople only damaged relations with women. The writer presents possible solutions to this sales manager's common problem and evaluates each one- -deciding that the company will need to hire women trainers with experience in their field to help restructure company efforts and to make the new generation of saleswomen happy with their job. Short & long term implications of the proposed plan are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Salecas2.wps
Fiduciary Relationships
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A 5 page paper. Fiduciary relationships are complex and often not written as a contract between employer and employee. This paper discusses some of the fiduciary responsibilities and obligations of the employee and manager of a company. Topics include bribes, kickbacks, conflict of interest, moving to another company and other related issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGfidrel.wps
Filling Overseas Positions in Global Hospitality Business
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5 pages. When a company expands into international locations there is oftentimes a dilemma as to hiring employees overseas. Is it better to hire expatriates or host country nationals? This is especially important in the hospitality industry where the impression made upon the customers means everything. This paper gives a convincing look at the disadvantages and advantages of hiring expatriates over host country nationals in filling overseas positions in the hospitality industry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAexpat.rtf
Film Review & Critical Analysis of "Raging Bull"
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A 2 page paper which reviews and provides critical analysis of Martin Scorsese's 1980 film, "Raging Bull." Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TGragbul.wps
Final Training Report
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A 10 page paper report of an intern’s experience in project planning in the Gas Industry. Classroom-based academic training is invaluable for the technical knowledge that can be gained from it. Adding the concept of practical experience and the need for on-the-job learning provides a view of the “real world.” The purpose here is to discuss how the opportunity to add that real world perspective enriched the intern’s understanding of the fact that his true learning experiences have only begun. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSfinalTrainRpt.rtf
Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business Management, & Marketing / An Overview of Five Web Pages
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In 5 pages, the author gives an overview of five web pages concerning finance, accounting, economics, business management, & marketing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PCfaemm.doc
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