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Papers On Business - Management
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Children And Youth As Consumers
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This 15 page paper begins by providing data about the population of children in the U.S., divided into age groups. The paper then discusses the astounding buying power of children under the age of 18, both in terms of direct purchases and in terms of influencing parents' purchases. Data are then reported regarding the types of purchases children make. Following these data is a comprehensive discussion of the consumer socialization process as it relates to youngsters. This discussion inherently includes cognitive and social developmental processes and the identification of three specific types of consumer segments in which children are categorized. At the end of this section, the writer comments about how marketers use children to influence their parents' purchasing decisions as well as their own direct purchases. Bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: PGchlcon.rtf
Chile's Economy
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A 5 page paper discussing Chile's economy and outlook for the future. As has been the case in so much of South America, Chile's economy has been uncertain for decades. Less certain at some times than at others, the country has made a consistent and concerted effort to build a sustainable export-driven economy since the first days of NAFTA and continues to pursue ascension to it. Unemployment remains high and the entire region is having difficulty, but Chile is attuned to the needs of business and actively courts it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSchileEcon.rtf
Chile’s Culture as an Influence on Business and Management Practice
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the influence of Chile’s culture on business and management practices. Chilean management structures and practices are influenced by a diverse number of factors from Chilean culture. The strong military presence and influence of the Church resulted in management procedures which are strict, conservative and respectful in nature. Strong social class hierarchies in Chilean society has resulted in highly hierarchical structures in management where the higher end executives are responsible for the decision making processes and are well rewarded because of this. Finally, women’s roles in Chilean culture are quite prominent and this is also reflected in the Chilean work place as women have equal representation in the social classes as well as professional positions and politics.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJChile1.rtf
China Airlines
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A 3 page paper that provides a brief overview of this company, including revenue, ownership, equipment and presence in the market. The essay reports two marketing tactics that involve alliances with Delta Air. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGchair.rtf
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This 5-page paper presents a model paper on how computers would sell in China. Topics discussed include marketing, the market itself, competition, distribution the economy and other factors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTchicom.rtf
China and Singapore
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This 19 page paper considers the differences that maybe found when a manage transfers from operations in Singapore to China. The paper outlines differences in terms of social, legal, political and economic conditions and then looks at the culture though individualism/collectivism dimension, power distance dimension, uncertainty avoidance dimension, and masculinity/femininity dimension and then looks at how the manager should be chosen and measure to help prevent culture shock. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
Filename: TEchisng.rtf
China's New Auto Industry
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5 pages discussing the emerging auto industry in China. Discussed are its prospects for growth and the socio-political fuel that lit its fire during the mid-1990's. Specific companies are mentioned as are the viability of manufacture and sell for key automotive brands in China. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Chinacar.wps
China's New Economy for the New Millennium
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A 12 page paper discussing China's great
economic gains since the end of the late-1990s Asian currency crisis. China has proven itself to
be more than "just" another developing nation seeking to take advantage of temporary advantages
for short-term gain. Rather, indicators point toward a nation taking concrete steps to building
positive and long-term benefits, taking into account the needs of both the government and the
people. China led the world in advances for centuries, but its intended isolation and later full
embrace of communism stymied the economic growth it could have enjoyed long ago. It seems
now to be poised to rectify past oversights, creating a hybrid of economic reality and ideology
that can satisfy ingrained and long-standing philosophy. The paper examines such factors such as
GDP, balance of trade, private ownership, and others. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KSChinaEcon00.wps
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This 10-page paper examines the rapid expansion of China's economy and its impact on its neighbors (as well as synergies created through expansion). Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTchisyn.rtf
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This 3-page paper discusses how Chinese open markets (and accession to the WTO) would impact both U.S.-China relations and employment for both countries. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTchinaus.rtf
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