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Papers On Business - Management
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This 15-page paper deals with marketing plans and suggestions to move Slendertone (an Irish company) into a world-class brand. This is based on a case study prepared by Michael J. Murphy.
Filename: MTsleton.rtf
Brand Equity Marketing
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A 12 page paper that discusses the importance of brand names, brand loyalty, brand equity and brand asset marketing. Examples of the value of brand equity are provided. Creating global brand equity is also discussed with an emphasis on Japan, considering cultural differences. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGbrandequity.wps
Brand Loyalty
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This 6 page research paper discusses factors involved in creating brand loyalty. What is it and how do companies get it? Factors discussed include brand equity, brand value and brand asset management, including the steps necessary in the managing of brand assets. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Brandloy.wps
Brand Loyalty
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A 6 page research paper that examines the problems of creating brand name recognition and loyalty in today's marketplace, where products are often similar with little to differentiate between them. The writer discusses branding within this environment. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khbrloy.rtf
Brand Management
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A 7 page paper discussing the changes occurring in brand management in relationship to the company infrastructure and most importantly, the
customer sales representative. While the customer sales representative is essential to the
success of a brand product, it is up to the company to understand the needs of the
customer first. If this is not accomplished, the customer sales representative will not
understand their position or their duties. The various information provided, is information
that deals with the management teams, yet illustrates the information that should be
provided to the sales representative. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: RAbrand.wps
Brand Marketing To Children And Youth
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A 5 page paper that discusses the practice of marketing to children. There are good reasons companies target kids in their advertising. Children as young as 2 recognize brands and children influence their parents' purchases are just two of the reasons. This essay reports data regarding the buying power of children and youth and explains why young people have become such an important target market. Data included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGmktkd.rtf
Brand Personality
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This 5 page paper examines the way people or personalities are sued as analogies for marketing brands. This paper considers why these analogies are used and looks at the advantages and disadvantages that may result from this strategy. Real life examples are given to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEbrndpr.rtf
Brand Personality and its’ Influence on Buyer Behaviour
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This 10 page paper considers the role and importance of brand personality or characteristics on the purchase decision by looking at the way brands may impact on buyer behaviour. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEbrandp.rtf
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This 4-page paper focuses on Merrill Lynch, Merrill Lynch Direct and comments about emotional branding (as put forward by marketing expert Marc Gobe). The paper discusses whether Merrill's online experiences have been successful, and how Gobe would rank Merrill's emotional branding impact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbramer.rtf
Branding at National Cotton Council and American Wool Council
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An 8 page paper discussing each of these organizations' approaches to branding. In terms of marketing their member producers' products, the National Cotton Council has a much clearer path to
follow. Cotton has been produced in the US from the earliest days that British colonies were established in the South, the US is not a large lamb-eating nation as are the largest of
the wool producers. Each of these organizations has had challenges in marketing member
producers' products; the National Cotton Council has experienced the greatest level of success in branding. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSwoolCot.wps
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