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Papers On Business - Management
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Black Boxes in Automobiles/A Proposal
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A 5 page research paper that takes the form of a proposal to the Ford Motor Co. The writer advocates implementation of a study that would evaluate the use of 'black box' technology on automotive vehicles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: 99blbox.rtf
Blending JIT and EOQ at ABC Company
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An 8 page paper discussing operations problems at ABC Company, which imports and distributes tiles. The company uses the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) approach to inventory management so as to gain the most advantageous price on tiles that it can. Of course this is in ABC’s best interests, but there are cost factors that cannot be accounted for by EOQ alone. The paper recommends that ABC implement JIT as well, so that the two methods can be used to gain the best possible position for ABC. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtSupChnJIT.rtf
Blockbuster Video and Hollywood Video
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A 5 page paper discussing conditions
at these two companies. Blockbuster has had its share of rough times in the past several years,
and more can be forecast for the entire industry. A primary difference between the two is that
Blockbuster tends to focus more on increasing business efficiently, even if it does not become a
part of the local community. Hollywood's focus continues to be fixed firmly on the uncertain
future, while it does little to build business for the present. A shift of that focus could serve
Hollywood and its investors well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSblockHolly.wps
Blockbuster, Republic Industries And Wayne Huizenga
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A 5 page paper that traces Wayne Huizenga's success from his waste management company through his Blockbuster days to his now Republic Industries, a very diversified company. This billionaire is once again bound to make yet another fortune as he continues his expansion into several different areas including car sales and rentals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Blockb.doc
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This 5-page paper is a fictitious account about a medical clinic that must decide whether or not to test its patient population for a particular disease. The paper analysis costs of pre-testing versus costs of waiting, and makes recommendations on those costs as to how the clinic should proceed.
Filename: MTblodan.rtf
Bloomberg L.P. & Reuters Group PLC
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A 10 page paper that describes each company and determines which is the better company to use. Products and services each company offers are reported. The problems Reuters has had for a number of years is explained. 2003 sales revenues are reported for each company. The conclusion recommending which company to do business with is justified. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGblmrt.rtf
Bloomingdale's and Production
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A 6 page paper looking at some of the ways Bloomingdale's can effectively increase the chain's production. The department store segment of the retail industry has been in decline for more than 20 years, and any chain hoping not only to survive but also flourish must operate the company with a slant that no one else has. Consumers' complaints have centered around lack of service, and Bloomingdale's is beginning to address that problem. They also have a lucrative private-label sales segment that no other chain can claim and that they are planning to expand. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Bloomies.wps
Blue Chip Franchise Corporation / Entering The International Marketplace
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A 12 page paper that discusses some of the considerations necessary for BCFC to move into Dubai, including: requirements, training, market survey and sales forecast, the problems and resources surrounding entrance, location and position of the product in the market. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Bluechip.wps
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This 6-page paper discusses Maria Bailey and how she stretched the truth of her business, and whether this was an unethical thing to do. The paper points out that yes, it was unethical, because she lied, and no one can trust her as a result. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTliarbm.rtf
BMD; A Case Study in Vertical Integration
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This 10 page paper looks at a case study of attempted expansion and profit maximisation by way of vertical expansion through acquisition. The case study concerned can be seen as a lesson in the mistakes and risks of this type of expansion. Moving away from core competencies is always a risky proposition, BMD, a lumber yard company attempted forward integration without the necessary changes required. This paper is a demonstration that a perceived synergy is not always real, and considers the other changes needed to make vertical integration a successful and profitable exercise.
Filename: TElumver.wps
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