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Papers On Japan & Japanese Issues
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Japanese Production And Operations Management: Loss Of Advantage Through Imitation By Competitors In Other Countries?
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3 pages in length. Japan has long held the coveted title of foremost producer within the consumer electronics industry, a reputation that has allowed its manufacturers to maintain the primary position of production and profit margins in comparison to other countries. Today, however, there is a growing trend of product imitation throughout the world that is empowering these other countries - particularly the United States – with the means by which to overtake Japan's once-untouchable status, causing Japanese companies to re-evaluate the best way to regain this lost advantage. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCJapAdv.rtf
Japanese Religion
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This is a 3 page paper explaining contemporary Japanese religion. The paper also includes mild tutorial language and is in language suitable for a letter to a friend in regards to explaining “what Japanese religion is”.
Unlike the practices of Western religions, lifestyles of the contemporary Japanese may not always reveal the influence of religion in their society but there are actually very few Japanese who are not affected or not involved in some sort of religion. While the majority of Japanese people may be involved in the Shinto or Buddhism religions, and many are involved with both, other religions such as Confucianism and Christianity are also present.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJJaprl1.rtf
Japanese Religion
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An 8 page overview of Japan's primary religions. These include Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The author of this
paper emphasizes that these religions have merged over time into one distinctive Japanese religion. The various elements of each, however, remain
distinctive in that religion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPrlgJap.rtf
Japanese Sculpture
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Japan's history of sculpture begins just after the
prehistoric period with representational figurines made in clay and has
extended into the contemporary art scene with sculptures of all makes, kinds
and materials. This 5 page paper explores the tradition of sculpture in the
early periods; from the Joman to the Kamakura period or from 200 BC until 1330
AD. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KTjapscp.rtf
Japanese Swordsmithing
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A 6 page paper which describes its techniques, history, evolution and differences that evolved in swordsmithing techniques over time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TGsword.rtf
Japanese Values and Business Culture
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This 6 page paper discusses Japanese values and how they impact the business culture of the nation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: HVJpnVal.rtf
Japanese Women in the Workplace
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This 45 page paper is chock full of statistics and information about Japanese women and work in Japan. Much attention is devoted to Japanese culture and how women are treated in Japan in general. History is included and an economic view is taken in respect to the business world in the country. How women have assimilated into the world of work from traditional backgrounds is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: SA445J.rtf
Japanese Women: Traditional Image And Changing Reality
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5 pages in length. Myriad Westerners and Japanese men have the distinct image of Japanese women being dependent upon their husbands and completely devoted to their families -- basically, anything but ambitious. In many ways, however Japanese women hold equal and sometimes even more powerful positions than their male counterparts do, which illustrates the slow but progressive change in hierarchy that is taking place within Japan's gender distinction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCjapwm.wps
Japanese Zen Buddhism
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A 3 page research paper that how Zen Buddhism in Japan differs from other forms of Buddhism and how Buddhism, in general, provides an example of how the Japanese assimilated foreign elements in their own culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khzenjap.rtf
Japanese/U.S. Relations Since the Mid Nineteenth Century
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A 6 page overview of U.S./Japanese relations since her 1854 abandonment of the seclusionist policies that had been so detrimental to her socioeconomic growth, an abandonment that had occurred largely as a result of the insistence of U.S. Commodore Perry. The author contends that Japan and the U.S. alike have gained more from their interrelationship than they have lost but that the interaction has been a love/hate relationship at best. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPjapUS3.rtf
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