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Papers On Japan & Japanese Issues
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Japanese Aesthetics
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5 pages. This research paper covers the broad spectrum of Japanese aesthetics. The Japanese have unique concepts and values when it comes to all manner of their tastes in art, architecture, clothing, and everything about their lives. This paper will attempt to uncover the secret of the beauty that is inherent to the Japanese world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAjpaes.rtf
Japanese American Immigration
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A 3 page overview of the problems confronting Japanese who wished to immigrate to the U.S. in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This paper explores three specific articles located on the World Wide Web and discusses the validity of the authors of those papers to write on their chosen subject. The contention is presented that numerous prejudicial and discriminatory laws were passed laws were passed out of fear as to what impact the new arrivals would have on mainstream America. The author of this paper concludes that American immigration policy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was more than restrictive, it was blatantly discriminatory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPjapImm.rtf
Japanese and American Accounting Principles / Increasing Continuity
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A 5 page paper that considers the progression of accounting principles in both the United States and Japan and outlines the call for greater complicity between these two countries. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Japamac.wps
Japanese and Chinese Development: Reflections of World War II and the Cold War
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A 5 page comparison of the relative development of Japan and China. Links the apparent differences to circumstance and choice of post World War II allies. Contends that the U.S. was charged in many ways with restoring the economic stability of Japan since World War II but only began to emphasize trade relations with China in the last decade. Contends that Japan is much more economically stable because Japan concentrated on high-tech production geared toward export while China’s concentration, as a matter of her Cold War alliance to the U.S.S.R., was on the manufacture of war goods. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPjapDev.wps
Japanese Business History Post-World War II
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A 7 page paper tracing the changes in Japanese business following World War II. Today, the keiretsu structure that allowed massive accumulation of nonperforming corporate debt has been dismantled, at least in that portion discouraging appropriate corporate governance. Economic consequences of past actions appear to be the limiting factor in Japan’s attempts to move past the effects of the bursting of its bubble economy and then the Asian currency crisis. Its foray into Western management styles discounted the value of its workers’ dedication to their companies. That dedication is grounded in centuries-old culture, however, and likely still exists beneath the layers of policy-imposed constraints. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgJapBizHist.rtf
Japanese Culture & Nursing
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An 8 page research paper that discusses Japanese culture from the perspective of how cultural beliefs and norms impact nursing. The writer discusses, briefly, Japanese history, heath beliefs, societal orientation, non-verbal communication, and religion. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: khjaculn.rtf
Japanese Demons and Their Role in Japanese Literature/Folklore
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A 7 page paper
which examines Japanese demons and their presence in the literature and/or folklore of
Japan. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAjpndmn.rtf
Japanese Education
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5 pages. Japanese education is based on a
rather hybrid set of premises; On one hand, thee are ideas about
personal development, individuated by the struggle to succeed as
solo units in an examination-based solidarity group in which
individual abilities do not stick out. The evolution of this
complicated system of learning is discussed herein, and includes
the Meiji period to the present. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAjpnsc.wps
Japanese Fashions and the Western Market
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A 23 page overview of the practicality of introducing Japanese fashions into the Western market. A review of basic marketing premises is provided along with a short history of the evolution of Japanese clothing design. The author of this paper emphasizes that in order for such a venture to be successful a number of factors must be carefully assessed. These include the clothing preferences of both the very rich and influential and such components of the buying public as college students. A proposal is introduced for assessing these preferences using interviews and an e-mail based survey. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: PPjapFsh.rtf
Japanese Government and Economic Status
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A 7 page overview of Japanese governmental and societal structure, her relationship with the U.S., and how these factors have influenced her economy. This paper emphasizes that Japan’s emphasis on education industrialization has paid off in one of the highest per-capita incomes, and standards of living, in the Asian world. It notes, however, that even Japan has experienced considerable economic turmoil in recent years. The meltdown of the Asian Tiger in the late 1990s has opened the world’s eyes to the realities of economics and politics as they have never been opened before. Fortunately, the U.S. is still on back stage in regard to aiding Japan onward to a promising economic future. In contrast to the Clinton Administration who apparently sought to undermine Japanese/U.S. relations, the Bush administration has expressed support for Japan’s structural and economic reform. President George W. Bush’s recent tour of Japan reemphasized that fact. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPjapGov.rtf
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