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Papers On China & Chinese Issues
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Chang's 'The Rape of Nanking' / The Chinese Holocaust
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A 5 page paper on Iris Chang's non-fiction book The Rape of Nanking. In this work Chang describes the systematic murder of the population of this Chinese city by the Japanese in 1937, and posits some reasons for the Japanese soldier's unthinkable brutality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Nanking.wps
History Of The Abacus / From West To East & Beyond
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A 15 page paper that provides an overview of the history and development of the abacus. The report essentially compares the Chinese, Roman, Greek, Russian and Indian counting methods utilizing similar instruments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Abacus.doc
History, Continuity & Chinese Civilization
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A 4 page paper that supports the recognition of continuity in ancient Chinese history as an element of current-day Chinese civilization. The writer disagrees with the perspective of Jacques Gernet and other historians who claim that by revelling in ancient Chinese history, historians lack a perspective on the changing status of the country. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Chinciv.wps
Sino-Soviet Relations From 1945-1989
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5 pages in length. Nineteen eighty-nine was a most significant year for Sino-Soviet relations. The Chinese and the Russians had endured several decades of discord that ultimately culminated in the restoration of party-to-party relations, bringing together the two communist parties. The events that initially caused the rift between the two powers served to create considerable strain within existing Sino-Soviet relations; these concerns were not so much because of Russian initiatives or concessions but more because Chinese developments. The writer discusses the events affecting Sino-Soviet relations between 1945 and 1989. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Sinosov.wps
The Communists and the Kuomintang / The Struggle For Power In Revolutionary China
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A 9 page paper detailing the power struggle between the Communist Party and the KMT (Kuomintang) in revolutionary China. The writer details the working ideologies of both parties and explores the social conditions and the political circumstances that produced them. The bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: China2.wps
The Opium Wars
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A 6 page paper discussing the causes and results of the two Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1858) between China and Britain. In 300 years of trade with China, Britain had developed a thirst for China's tea as well as appetites for Chinese silk and porcelain, but pre-industrial China found very little to desire from Britain's offerings. To ease the resulting tremendous trade deficit, Britain began growing opium in its colony India and insisted that China allow it to enter their country for use by their people. China declined the affront to their national sovereignty, lost Hong Kong to Britain, and later lost all right to restrict the opium trade within their borders. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Opwar.wps
The Positive Effects of Disease - Medieval China
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This 6 page research paper briefly draws on some of the information provided in McNeill's 'Plagues and People,' as well as other information that illustrates that disease can have positive effects for a population. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: Chinadis.wps
The Taiping Rebellion & 'God's Chinese Son'
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This 3 page report discusses the rise of Hong Xiuquan and his version of Christian theology that led him and his followers in an attempt to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Taiping.wps
Today's China in Light of the Past
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A 5 page paper discussing modern China with reference to long-standing beliefs and practices. As a culture both ancient and so new as to be positively modern, China remains a study in contrasts. Guangdong International Trust & Investment Corporation (GITIC) was forced by the government to go bankrupt when it was not destitute, but the government was alarmed over what it perceived to be the same types of patterns that preceded the currency and banking crisis in Japan and determined to force the GITIC to cease making what it believed were loans of questionable value. China remains an official 'big emerging market,' but it is yet unclear just what form of government and economic structure will grow from the current chaos. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: KSchina99.doc
Under the Ancestors' Shadow
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A 5 page paper discussing the book with the same name by Francis L.K. Hsu. Many issues are discussed in regards to China and how things have changed since Hsu's book was published. Social mobility, the importance of farmers, personality, and kinship are but a few of the issues covered in the book and discussed in this paper. Hsu's book gives the reader a sound foundation for being able to more fully understand the present condition of China. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Ancshad.wps
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