Papers On Miscellaneous Economic Issues
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Does Globalisation undermine Sovereignty?
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This 7 page paper examines the argument that globalization undermines and erodes sovereignty of the nation state. The paper examines the concept of sovereignty and then looks at the way it may be eroded by supranational bodies, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization. The paper also considers the increased economic integration and interpedently of the global economy as an influence. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEsovglobe.rtf
Does Microsoft Indeed Have a Monopoly?
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A 5 page paper discussing whether Microsoft
possesses monopolistic power or not. Microsoft has been found to have been practicing
predatory behavior, and with good reason for the finding. The company has been shown to have
actively sought to prevent market entry of would-be competitors and as viewing potential entrants
as enemies to be quashed. It has been highly successful in each, not in terms of price control but
in terms of distribution. Microsoft truly has become a monopolistic power, and has been for some
time. The annotated bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSMSmonopoly.wps
Does Reducing Poverty Increase Economic Growth
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An 8 page paper that addresses the questions of whether poverty reduction increases economic growth and whether economic growth reduces poverty. The writer begins by quoting President Franklin Roosevelt who argued for a living wage. Other researchers are then cited with an overview of their conclusions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGpvecgr.rtf
Dole's 15% Tax Cut Plan
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An 8 page research paper on Dole's proposed 15% tax cut plan. The writer describes the plan, criticisms of the plan, how it resembles flat taxation and supply-side economics, and the possible effects of the plan on the economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Doletax.wps
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This 4-page paper explains investment basics by introducing a hypothetical situtation in which someone needs to double his/her $100,000 investment into $200,000 through use of stocks, bonds and other securities. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTinvdou.rtf
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This 4-page paper focuses on e-commerce and taxation issues as they pertain to Canada. CCRA and OCED reports are discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTecomca.rtf
Ecological Tax Reform
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This 3 page paper looks at how tax is used as an incentive to better and more environmentally friendly practices by both commercial enterprises, organisation as well as individuals. The way in which tax is used is discussed along with suggestions for the future. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEgrntax.wps
Ecologically Viable Fishing Policies; A Economical Approach
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This 7 page paper looks at how the optimum level of harvests in the fishing can be calculated considering birth and death rates and other repopulating factors. The paper considers what is actually meant by the optimum harvest rate, and the dangers that a equilibrium harvest policy may entail. The paper includes 1 graph. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEfishpo.wps
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This 3-page paper is an analysis of "Slow Growth Seen for California Economy in 2003," which was written by Michael Kahn for Reuters. The paper examines why California's economy has been so slow to recover from the dot-com bust and how it has impacted the state's economy. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTforart.rtf
Economic Changes
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This 9 page paper considers the fact that major economic changes are occurring, and the impacts of these changes. This paper outlines the influence of economic changes on the development of businesses and the shift in political structure. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MHBudge2.rtf
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