Papers On Miscellaneous Economic Issues
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Balancing the Budget # 4 -- A Balancing Act
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A 7 page research paper on the issues surrounding the failed balanced-budget amendment. The paper discusses the history of the national debt, and debates whether balancing the budget is even necessary at all. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Budget.wps
Banana Trade Wars:
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This 13 page paper dicusses the Banana Trade War and its impact on the Caribbean's banana trade security. This paper focuses on the events leading up to the decision by the European Union to open up trade to all suppliers. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: GSBanana.rtf
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This 5-page paper examines the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, and how it can be used to help regulate depository institutions to create an efficient and safe system. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTglbban.rtf
Benefit Cost Analysis in Engineering Planning
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6 pages in length. Reviews a case study of the Yuba River Basin flood planning. Includes benefits analysis chart, project objectives, sensitivity analysis and spreadsheet. This is an excellent example paper for any type of benefit cost analysis.
Filename: JGAfldpl.wps
Bio-fuels; An Economic Perspective
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This 5 page paper considers the economics of developing bio-fuels and considers how the increased efficiency and environmental aspects may help with the development of the technology. Economic topics discussed include supply and demand, market structure and the need for government interference where a market has the potential to fail. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEbiofeul.rtf
Bionomics / An Overview
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A 7 page overview of the concept of bionomics and the relationships of economics and biology. Explains that economics and business in general are often organized much like a living ecosystem, a concept first discussed by Michael othschild. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Bionom.wps
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This paper examines the attraction of venture capitalists to the field of biotechnology. Topics discussed include why VCs find this field so desireable, particular investment behavior, and why biotech is reliant on VC financing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MTbioven.rtf
Bloomberg L.P. & Reuters Group PLC
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A 10 page paper that describes each company and determines which is the better company to use. Products and services each company offers are reported. The problems Reuters has had for a number of years is explained. 2003 sales revenues are reported for each company. The conclusion recommending which company to do business with is justified. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGblmrt.rtf
Bolstering Taiwan's Economy Through Arms Procurement
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A 35 page paper discussing changes in Taiwan's economy in the early years of the new century and the growing threat of mainland China. Taiwan's defense spending has declined dramatically over the past several years as there has been internal disagreement over the total cost of matching China's increased defenses. This paper reviews the course of economic history of Taiwan and the strained relations that continue between China and Taiwan even though the two are increasingly economically interdependent. It also demonstrates that renewed arms procurement activity in Taiwan would serve several purposes and would have the effect of bolstering Taiwan's economy as it moves from manufacturing to services, the natural progression of an increasingly maturing economy. Includes an abstract. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: KSeconTaiArms.rtf
Boston’s Housing Market
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A 5 page paper exploring the notion of the existence of “fiscal zoning” in Boston. Those totally opposed to the idea of expanding housing at all fall back on the old congestion-and-traffic argument, adding increased pressures on local school systems for good measure. What they fail to realize is that the scarcity of affordable housing for these families and individuals stifles overall economic growth of the entire area, which eventually will serve to decrease the value of the property they currently own. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSeconSocHousBost.rtf
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