Papers On International Economics & Finance
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Japan's Faltering Economy & The Nikkei Index
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4 pages in length. An insightful look at Japan's blundering economy during the mid-1990's. Specifically focusing upon the Nikkei Index, the writer examines the causal factors of its poor performance. Among the many reasons cited are oddly-priced Japanese IPOs, poorly-utilized foreign capital, misdirected government privatization of industry and more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Nikkei.wps
Japan's Miracle Economy
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The strength and quickness with which the Japanese economy not only recovered but blossomed after the end of the Second World War was considered by many to be miraculous. It continued to grow and strengthen until the last few years. This 7 page paper examines the reasons for the post-war prosperity in light of more current economic trends and asserts that Japan is now in need of another economic miracle that will bring it back into the global market as strongly as before. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KTjapeco.wps
Japan's Stock Market Crash / 'After the Bubble Burst'
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A 9 page research paper which focuses on why the stock market crash occurred and how that crash directed effected the lingering recession which followed the Japanese Stock Market Crash. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Crasjapa.wps
Japanese Economic Crisis
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Japan's economic system is an amalgam of business, political and cultural preferences and policies. The Japanese model of economic development differs significantly from it's counterparts in the West. Up until a few years ago it was deemed as a success and many countries were on the road to emulate it's unique blend of politics and business, particularly its reliance on deliberate government intervention to guide the economy. This 6 page paper examines the Japanese model of political and economic symbiosis and argues that the cultural bias toward belief in government correctness has added to the current crisis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Jpcrisi2.wps
The New Leaders Of The Middle East
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A 5 page essay that examines the succession in leadership from Jordan's King Hussein to his son King Abdullah and from Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to new Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Discussed are the positive and negative arguments for peace that face each of these new leaders and the impact this shift in leadership is projected to have on peace negotiations in the Middle East. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: LCMdEast.wps
A Proposal for Joint Ventures with Jordan
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This 6 page paper provides a sample speech in which a Jordanian official proposes joint ventures with Jordan that integrates views of cultural differences and attempts to bring together a view of the Jordanian workforce and business sector that would be beneficial for American companies. This paper incorporates a number of models, including the Hall, Hofstede and Kluckhohn models for cultural differences. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHJordan.wps
Jordan in the Twentieth Century
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A 9 page discussion of Jordan's history and economy. Describes her monarchy and illuminates the problems she has faced in trade, industry and agriculture. Identifies tourism as a hope towards improving Jordan's long stressed economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPjordanC.wps
Organizational Issues in the Jordanian Banking Industry
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This 5 page paper assesses variations in culture and organizational structure in the banking industry of Jordan and considers a number of cultural dimensions that define ways of indicating the impacts for the organizational structure. In particular, this paper considers issues like hiring/firing, allocation of space and personnel development and also relates cultural dimensions to the issue of the 'glass ceiling.' in which individuals of with certain cultural attributes may experience a diminished capacity for personal development in the organization. This paper goes on to assert a number of suggestions for development within the organization that would reduce the possible negative implications of specific cultural issues in Jordan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHjorda2.wps
Chinese and Russian Economies & Politics
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This 6 page research paper examines the changes in China and Russia since the ideological and political collapse of Communism. Specifically considered are the present and the future of the two countries, with the assertion that China is headed for 'superpower' status while Russia is in decline. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Chinruss.wps
U.S. Financial Foreign Policy & China
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A 20 page research paper examining much of the phenomenal growth of China's economy. There are three basic sections: overall Trade Policy, Foreign Investment Policy and Foreign Exchange Rate Policy. The trade policy section lightly discusses the WTO, of which China is not a member, but deals extensively with the ever-intense issue of renewing China's Most Favored Nation status. The United States has growing numbers of business concerns within China's borders, as some of our largest companies seek to take advantage of some of the lowest production costs in the world. Similarly, Taiwan has made the same sort of investment in China's economy. As U.S. trade deficits show us reaching more of a balance with Taiwan, it is only a paper balance—many of the Taiwan products we import are actually produced now in China, and are called Chinese. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Chinapol.wps
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