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Papers On Economic History
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The Stock Market Crash of 1929 -- Could It Happen Again? - Book Review
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In this 6 page paper, the writer attempts to answer this very question based on findings presented in J. Kenneth Galbraith's "1929 : The Great Crash." Similarities between the crashes of 1929 and 1987 are pointed out and the writer ultimately concludes that another crash not only could happen, --- it probably will happen.. Economic reasons arguing to the contrary are examined as well. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Stokcrsh.wps
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 / Book Review
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A detailed, 8 page analysis of John Kenneth Galbraith's "1929: The Great Crash" in which the writer analyzes the economic irony of such an event : Everyone believed the market was performing wonderfully when it crashed.. Some of the reasons for these misperceptions and the sudden "crash" are analyzed. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Stokcrs3.wps
The Stock Market Since 1987--Can the Trend Continue?
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3 pages in length. A look at the stock market since 1987, and how it has become a fast track to making money. Can this trend continue? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JGAastck.wps
The Transatlantic Slave Trade and French Influence
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A 10 page paper which examines how the French influenced the notorious transatlantic slave trade, and specifically considers the role of the French slave ship, the Diligent. Bibliography lists 8 sources. TGslavetr.rtf
Filename: TGslavetr.rtf
The U.S. Economy During The Nineties
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A variety of economic indicators are reviewed in this 5 page overview that looks at the years between 1990 and 1998. A look at the past explains how the nineties economy came to be and, more importantly, how the various indicators are used to assess its health. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: 90econ.rtf
The Vulnerability of Marxism to Economism
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This 12 page paper considers how and why the ideas of Karl Marx may be vulnerable to economism. The paper begins with a definition of economism and then looks at the economics ideas that are adopted by Marx in his different writings. The ideas of economism are then considered by examining his works and also the way they were subsequently interpreted and the attempts of Lenis to separate economism and Marxism. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEeconmarx.rtf
The Winners and the Losers of the Great Depression 1873 – 1896
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During the period of 1873 – 1896 growth in world trade was very low. Various depression were seen throughout the world, this 3 page paper considers Great Britain and identifies who the winners and the losers were in relation to the depression in Britain. The bibliography cites 3 sources
Filename: TEukdepr.rtf
The “Public Good” as a Benefit to Tourism
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A 5 page paper discussing public infrastructure’s influence on promoting tourism. In "The Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith discussed the responsibility of government to erect and maintain those structures and systems that would be too costly for individuals or groups of individuals. Smith’s point was that the structure itself may not be too costly in terms of initial outlay, but that it would be difficult or impossible for those responsible for the structure’s construction to recoup their investment. The paper uses the example of Sydney’s Opera House as a “draw” for Australian tourism and the benefits that other areas and private business receives as a result. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSeconSmithPub.rtf
Third World Debt Relief
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A 20 page paper discussing poverty alleviation in developing nations. Developed nations have been lending to poor ones for years, with the intention of assisting them achieve economic growth. The purpose of the desired growth is to lift the people of these nations from the abject poverty in which so many live. “From misery to poverty” is the aim that international financial institutions (IFIs) have had in taking on their “consulting” roles to the governments of poor nations. But as spending more than is available is not sustainable at the household level, neither is it sustainable at the macroeconomic level. Many of these nations carry such crushing debt that they seek to borrow additional funds merely to pay the interest on the loans they already have. The purpose here is to explore at least two alternatives to hopeless national debt. The paper discusses the HIPC Initiative for debt forgiveness and issues related to building an export-driven economy. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: KSglo3rdDebt.rtf
Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency Lives On
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On New Year's Day, 1802, President Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut articulating his views on the relationship between church and state. This separation, his belief in majority rule, and in reduction in government continue to profoundly affect the government of the United States. Bibliography lists 2 sources. jvTJeffer.rtf
Filename: jvTJeffer.rtf
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