Papers On Economic History
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Lessons Learned from the Savings and Loans Crisis
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5 pages. The
savings and loan crisis is one of the most poorly understood
economic problems that we face today. It has been misconstrued by
economists, by politicians, and by the general public. This
paper looks at the crisis and what we have learned in order to
avoid such things in the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAslcri.wps
Leverage Buyouts Of The 80's Vs. Medieval Times
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In this thoughtful 4 page essay, the writer makes comparisons between the role of the stirrup (horse & saddle) during the Middle Ages and the leverage buyout of the 1980's (U.S. economic history). It is argued that in the Middle Ages, the need for a Cavalry presented itself in order to protect the lords and the system of feudalism. Without such Cavalry, the system would collapse and those who held the power and the wealth would cease to hold it. In the 1980s, the conditions were similar. During that time period an overwhelming sense of greed and a thirst for power took hold among those in the stock market, or those who had control of the money and the economy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Stirrup.wps
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This 5 page paper analyzes specific questions pertaining to Michael Lewis' book, Liar's Poker. A description of the major players, the reasons for the crash, are discussed. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBliarpoke.rtf
Life After Working: Retirement
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A 6 page paper providing the story of an 80-year-old widow putting the pain of the past behind her and enjoying her present life in an independent living complex. The paper is a narrative financial history that begins in the Great Depression and continues through the great growth of the stock market in the 1990s. This widow had ample retirement funds in large part because of saving something, regardless of how small, from each and every paycheck earned throughout her's and her husbands' working lives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSsocRetire.rtf
Making the US More Competitive In The 90's
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An 11 page paper containing 3 proposed courses of action for making the US more economically competitive, written from the view of 1989. While overwhelmed with our own internal economic and employment problems, there has been much too little attention paid to the economic changes around the world. Some of the first, and ongoing, steps we need to take is to increase worker productivity, bring our public education in line with that of world leaders, and greatly increase the quality of the goods manufactured in the US. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Eco1990s.wps
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This 5 page paper gives the specific details of the agreement between the Mexican and United States governments in the creation of the maquiladora systems. Examples and quotes. Book references as well as internet sources used. Specific to 1965. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBmex.rtf
Mexico and the Industrial Revolution
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7 pages. The years 1825-1925 marked many changes that took place in Mexico during this time of the Industrial Revolution. This paper will focus on the economic growth that was taking place and the changes in the social and economic climates of that time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Jamexind.rtf
Michael Stone/Shelter Poverty‹possible solutions
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An analysis of Michael Stone's book on the problem of 'shelter poverty.' Millions of parents in the US have to decide on a month by month basis between two alternatives‹they can either feed and clothe their children or pay the rent or mortgage and insure that they have a roof over their heads. Stone advocates radical changes in the way that society handles the financing of housing in order to handle the needs of lower-income families. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 99house.wps
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(3 pp) This information is summarized from an
article by Tom Nairn and defines and discusses the
phenomena of "micro-states." Nairn suggests that
it is now the factors of scale which include the
size of a geographic area, its population, and
relative economic , social and cultural weighing.
He explains that the model that was used previously
as a building block for understanding the
nation-state as a concept, was really a "multi-
national" mix rather than a physical site or
setting that occurred in real geography. A recent
survey determined that a "micro-state" was one
having a land area of less than a thousand square
kilometers and a population of less than 500,000
Filename: BBmicros.doc.
Minimum Wage
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There are certain economic principles that determine the
behavior of the economy. This 11 page paper argues that wages, income
and unemployment are subject to the basic rules of supply and demand,
albeit from a perspective that includes a social component. Bibliography
lists 9 sources.
Filename: KTminwge.wps
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