Papers On Economic History
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Dilemmas of the High-Tech Labor Market
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An 11 page paper discussing the problems organizations face in filling their high tech labor needs. Unemployment in the late 1990s has reached its lowest point in 28 years. It is difficult for any employer to find the right people to fill openings, but some observers claim that the shortage most greatly felt in the high tech industries even threaten continued local economic growth. Most organizations have Year 2000 concerns, but hiring for that reason represents only a small portion of current openings. Instead, more than half of all high tech openings have resulted from company growth, and more than half of those are in applications programming. The face of corporate operation is in flux and moving toward greater electronic dependency; corporate America has all it can do to keep up. Two charts. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: HTechLab.wps
Economic Activity on Each Side of the Great Depression
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A 4 page
paper examining the US economy of the 1920s and that of the 1930s. There was a wealth
of difference between the two. The federal government undertook all sorts of inflationary
and risky ventures in an effort to create jobs and get money from wages back into
circulation. None of its efforts seemed to have any lasting effect, and it took the economic
benefits of another World War to extricate the US economy from the Great Depression that
gripped the entire world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSdepression.wps
Economic Analysis of India
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An 8 page research paper that examines the economy of India. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: 99econ.wps
Economic Analysis: 2000-2003 Economy
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This 5 page paper focuses on the U.S. economy and predictions made in a 2000 article. Those predictions are carefully evaluated to see what writers got right and what they got wrong. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA349eco.rtf
Economic Bubbles
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Economic or speculative bubbles have been seen over many centuries where investors seek to make a profit and assets become over valued. This 16 page paper looks at some of the bubbles that have impacted on the United States of America, starting wit the Mississippi Bubble looking at a range of bubbles through to the dot com bubble which collapsed in 2000 the paper discuses different types of bubbles and the boom and bust cycle many have created and considers the underlying economic theories that explain the occurrence and patterns associated with bubbles. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEbubbles.rtf
Economic Compared to Human Well-Being and Growth -- Views of
Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas
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This 6 page report discusses the
ways that three of the world’s great philosophers have defined
the meaning of both economic growth and well-being. Both
Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas were deeply interested in human
nature. Aristotle, of course, developed his thinking from the
philosophical viewpoint and the means by which human nature is
responsible for an individual’s actions, beliefs, and state of
being. Plato’s views were related more to a realm in which
philosophy meant the pursuit of the wisdom that allows a man to
truly assess the value of all things which humans desire.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWhugrow.wps
Economic Development in the Developed World
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This 5 page report discusses what economic development actually is and how it is achieved, as well as how those steps contribute to the overall developmental process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Ecodevo.wps
Economic Development in the United States 1790 – 1840
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A 6 page paper examining the goals of the founding fathers in 1790 and the effects that had been realized by the early 19th century. President Ronald Reagan was roundly criticized for his "trickle down" comment in announcing his economic reform plan in the early 1980s, but it was little more than a modern application of the plan that Alexander Hamilton created more than 200 years earlier. It was Hamilton's immediate purpose to put into place economic policy that could ensure preservation of the Union only past its growing pains, but his creativity contributed to preservation of the Union in its most trying period as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSeconHistUS.rtf
Economic Essays
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14 pages. This economic report covers many different topics including the world economy for the last thirty years; changes in technology; NAFTA; free market economies; unions, GATT and the WTO, and many more general economics questions that will be useful in any economics course. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JGA10eco.rtf
Economic Expansion, Recession and Recovery
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This 5 page paper discusses some of the factors that drove the economic expansion of the 1990s, and the recession and recovery that followed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVEcnExp.rtf
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