Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Inflationary Tendencies in Economics
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This 7 page report discusses fundamental inflationary tendencies that influence virtually all aspects of economic theory and practice. Although economic forecasts have proved less that totally reliable throughout the past decade and have even been blamed for currency crises around the world, in terms of inflationary predictions and trend watching, they are usually relatively accurate since inflationary tendencies typically carry a number of key characteristics that assist in both predicting then defining levels of inflation in the overall economy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWinec.wps
Influences In The Market Maximized/Market Minimized Model
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This 7 page paper is a market continuum analysis based on Anderson's market-minimized/market maximized continuum, discussing the oscillation effect seen with the influences of socio-economic factors, demographic patterns, health status and political influences. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEmkmax.rtf
Influences on Currency Exchange Rates
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This 5 page paper examines the different factors that may influence currency exchange rates. Influences included are political events, interest and inflation rates, disposable income and import export levels as well as the role of speculators. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcurrny.rtf
Influences on Supply and Demand
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This 8 page paper looks at the different influences in supply and demand, including are factors such as the price and availability of substitutes and complimentary products, the impact of the level of disposable income, advertising, tastes, the cost of credit, the impact of profit levels for the suppliers and the issue of opportunity costs. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEinfSupdem.rtf
Influences on Tele-Density of Cellular Telephones
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This 8 page paper considers the influences on the tele-density of cellular telephones in different countries. Influences considered include the level of GDP per capita compared to the number of mobile telephones in the population, the cost of residential installation and call costs and the provision of independent regulation. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEteledensity.rtf
Influences When Considering An International Acquisition; The Effectiveness of the Stock Market and the Currency Markets
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This 13 page paper considers the position where a company wants to make an international acquisition of another company or shares where there is a net present value (NPV) of zero. The paper looks at the influences and the effectiveness of the stock market and the currency markets. These are examined using efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and purchasing parity theories. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEaquemhppp.rtf
Innovation and Economic Growth
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A 4 page paper assessing a broad statement regarding the origin of economic growth, “research and development is the central cause of economic growth.” Adam Smith has been shown to have been correct in nearly all of his statements, and that regarding the natural growth of economies is no different. They have indeed shown themselves to expand over time, but those that have grown to the greatest degree have been those in which there has been great technological change brought about by research and development. The statement, “research and development is the central cause of economic growth,” is one that must be accepted as being true. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSeconInnov.rtf
Institutionalist Economics And John Keynes
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A 17 page research paper positing that although John Maynard Keynes referred to himself as an Institutionalist, he did not hold Institutionalist ideas concerning cultural transformation. A comparative analysis of Keynes theories vs. Institutionalist theory is then made. Main theorists include Drucker, Myerdal, and Veblen. Paper relies heavily on argument of Richard Brinkman. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.
Filename: Keyinst.wps
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This 3-page paper focuses on the impact of interest rates on the U.S. economy during 1990-2000. Included are discusssions of whether Greenspan's efforts helped or hurt the economy.
Filename: MTintrat.rtf
Interest Rate Decision
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A 7 page paper discussing the state of the economy. Alan Greenspan has gone before Congress in May 2002 to inform the legislators of the state of the economy and the intentions of the Federal Reserve. He outlines current economic indicators and qualifies rising unemployment to arrive at a conclusion to allow interest rates to remain as they are. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSeconIntRate.rtf
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