Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Economics in Healthcare; Increasing Inputs and Cost Benefit Analysis
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This 8 page paper is written in 2 parts. The first part considers the situation of the healthcare services where there are increasing inputs, such as patients, but the outputs remain the same. The paper considers this in economic terms and the way social impacts influence the way the market has and will develop. The second part of the paper considers the use of cost benefit analysis and cost utility analysis and how this applies healthcare issues such as diet and stress and the use of prevention and education as well as treatment. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEechealth.rtf
Economics in the News
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This 7 page paper uses 5 news articles to illustrate different economics concepts. The paper looks at opportunity costs with the use of spending on a capital rather than consumable items, supply and demand with a shortage of supply causing process to increase, the influence of complimentary goods on sales, the use of price ceilings and the way marginal returns are increased by following a strategy to ensure total average costs are as low as possible. With each subject discussed there is an illustrating graph. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEecnews.rtf
Economics in Tourism
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This 4 page paper considers several ways in which economics are seen in the tourism industry. The paper answers four questions, looking at the supply and demand of labour, the importance of understanding elasticity when setting hotel room prices, the impact of doubling the size of a hotel and how this would be different in a demand economy, a supply economy and a mixed economy. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEectourq.rtf
Economics Keynesian Classical
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This 3 page paper responds to four questions. The first comments on the classical and Keynesian views of unemployment and government intervention; the second discusses policies supply-siders would advocate for economic stability; the third comments on money supply and employment and the last considers whether the extensive testing required by the FDA for new drugs should be eliminated. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGecon4q.rtf
Economics of Gas Prices
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A 7 page paper discussing the rise and fall of gasoline prices in 2005 and 2006. Gas prices experienced an intense price spike such as that which followed Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. Even more curiously, world oil prices spiraled upward at about the same time, eventually reaching more than $78 a barrel in July 2006. That price for crude translated to prices of more than $3 a gallon at the pump, but in recent weeks the price of crude has been falling and so have the retail prices at the pump. The purpose here is to investigate why that might be. The paper discusses supply and demand, as well as price elasticity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSeconGasPric.rtf
Economics of Major League Baseball and Television
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This 5 page report discusses how television has affected Major League Baseball and the economics of the relationship between television and the game. Television has undeniably changed the character and promotion of sports stars in all games. While many television and sports analysts claim that baseball and television are not a profitable mix, the fact remains that television revenues for baseball broadcasts are extremely significant. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWbase.rtf
Economics of Recovery; The Similarities Between Roosevelt and Reagan
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This 5 page paper considers the policies adopted by Franklin D. Roosevelt when guiding the country out of the great depression and his use of the 'New Deal. The writer then compares the policies of Ronal Reagan when deal with the recession of his era to the Rooseveltian tactics that had proven successful in the 1930's. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEroosrg.wps
Economics of the Nation
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5 pages in length. Answers three questions regarding leakages in the economy, government expenditures and automatic stabilizers. Explains the ‘bathtub metaphor’, defines automatic stabilizers and gives examples as to tax cuts as well as tax expenditures by the government. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JGAbthtb.wps
Economics of Urban Poverty and Racial Issues
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A 6 page paper which discusses the
problem of economic conditions in urban poverty areas and that which involves racial
issues. Annotated Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: RAecpovrt.wps
Economics Principles in the Health Care Environment
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A 6 page outline of a presentation of the effect that health care costs have on the larger economy. The issue is whether basic economic principles such as supply and demand and price elasticity apply to health care. The superficial view is that health care is above the law of economic principles, but the fact is that it is not. The paper discusses increase in per capita spending from 1960 to 1998 and stresses that as more is spent on health care, there is less for families, individuals and the government to spend on other things including education and medical research. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconHlthCare.rtf
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