Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Cattle Price: Supply and Demand
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A 5 page paper discussing cattle price in response to economic conditions. Cattle production is no more certain than any other branch of agriculture. Though the animals are more self sufficient than immobile plants, they still are subject to the vagaries of the weather. The market is subject to the whims of buyers. The purpose here is to examine the effects of supply and demand pressures on cattle prices March 2001 to March 2002. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KScattlePrice.rtf
Cause and Effect in Gas Prices
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5 pages in length. The ever increasing gas prices are causing many people to wonder where it will all end. Will the
price rise continue indefinitely? What can be done to slow these escalating
costs? These and other questions are answered in this close look at the cause
of the escalating prices and what the various effects are upon consumers and
government alike. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAgaspr.wps
Causes Of Slow Economic Recovery In America
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A 2.5 page paper. The writer posits that over-investment in capital expenditures and surplus inventories in the late 1990s are two causes for the slow recovery of the American economy. The writer also proposes that unexpected events, such as the Attack on America also has a strong impact on the economy. These propositions are supported through experts. Bibliography list 4 sources.
Filename: PGamec.rtf
Causes of the Great Depression
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An 11 page paper answering 8 questions about the origins of the Great Depression and whether the same events could happen today. Some questions ask for the writer's opinion, and that is reflected consistently in the message that we need less government, not more. The paper recommends that the salvation of Social Security could be that Congress is prevented from skimming off surpluses that should remain in the fund, while simultaneously implementing a different system based on the example of Singapore's Provident Fund in which individuals are required to contribute to accounts that they have responsibility for managing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSgrDepress.rtf
Causes of The Great Depression and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” Solution
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A 3 page paper which examines what caused the Depression and how FDR’s “New Deal” package of domestic programs attempted to achieve economic recovery for the United States. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TGdepdeal.rtf
CDW Corp
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This 16 page paper examines DCDW Corp. The paper starts by looking at the background of the company, how it competes and its’ core competences. An in-depth financial analysis is then undertaken, with the use of many ratios. The paper then considers the drivers using the cost-volume-profit model, makes some projections for the income statement and then considers the potential of these projections by examining the industry performance and projected development. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEcdwcase.rtf
Cemex Case Study
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This 18 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. A pessimistic net present value calculation has indicated a project is not worth undertaking. This paper examines the base and the optimistic projections and considers if they are worth undertaking at differing discount rates, looks at which changes between the projections will have the greatest impact and calculates a weighted probability for the return. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEcemex1.rtf
Central Bank Independence
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A 2.5 page paper. Should the central bank be independent? The writer reports the purpose and duties of a nation's central bank and the fact that independence is becoming a more accepted notion. The essay also comments on the reason central banks can never be completely independent. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGcntbn.rtf
Central Bank Independence
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This 6 page paper considers why central bank independence is generally considers as advantageous for the creation of price stability by reducing inflationary pressures. The paper looks at the way that an independent bank may operate form a politically control central bank and then assess the real value of independence. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcenbank.rtf
Central Banks Can Never Be Truly Independent!
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This 3 page paper argues that central banks can never be truly independent as there are always routes of potential political influence. The paper looks at how this might occur and how banks cope with this risk using control mechanisms. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcentbankind.rtf
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