Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Careers As Accountants
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A 6 page essay that explores several aspects of accounting and auditing as careers. Included is information pertaining to: education and training needed; types of accounting fields; job responsibilities; job outlook; and average salaries. Bibliography lists 4 source.
Filename: Cpacar.wps
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This 5 paper focuses on accounting as a career, focusing on what it is, trends and salaries, and comparison of the profession in New York and Los Angeles. Bibliography has 7 sources.
Filename: MTauditi.rtf
Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
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A 12 page overview of the history and existing function of CARICOM, the Caribbean Community and Common Market. Illuminates the role this organization has in unifying the Caribbean nations and islands from both a trade area perspective and a regional integration perspective. Outlines accomplishments and goals and makes suggestions for the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcarico.wps
Carrefour; A Case Study in Working Capital
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This 8 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The case looks at Carrefour between the years of 1965 and 1971 considering how working coital was used and if it could be seen as a constraining factor in the growth if the company.
Filename: TEcarrwc.rtf
Case / Evaluation Of 501c.3 Organizations For Contribution Of $300,000
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A 5 page paper that evaluates 4 different 501c.3 charitable organizations to choose two for the distribution of $300,000 in contributions. The writer compares the four organizations on the basis of whether the meet the goals of their mission statements and how they use the donations they receive. In the end, the writer chooses just two of the four to receive donations.
Filename: 501c3.rtf
Case Study: Fly by Night Airlines
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4 pages. This case study involves a commercial airlines company that must make the decision of replacing new inventory in the manner that is most cost efficient for the company. Questions concerning this case study are considered concerning net present value, net cash flow and total operating values, to name a few topics. 2 sources included in bibliography.
Filename: JGAflyby1.rtf
Case Study; Breakeven and Contrition Analysis
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This 8 page paper answers 4 questions set by the student. The first questions looks at a cookie factory where there is the chance to accept an order for a large number of cookies at a lower than usual price. The paper uses the approach of break even analysis in order to assess if the order should be accepted and when it should be rejected. The second question considers how the cookie factory should decide on what levels of the cookies to produce. The third question considers three learning points from looking at contributions, fixed and variable costs and break even analysis. The last question uses an article looking at Dell’s performance and applies the learning points identified in question three. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEbreakcase2.rtf
Case Study; Breakeven and Contrition Analysis
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This 8 page paper answers 4 questions sent by the student. The first question looks at a cookie factory where there is the chance to accept an order for a large number of cookies at a lower than usual price. The paper conducts of break even analysis to assess whether the order should be accepted. The second question looks how the cookie factory should decide on what levels of which cookies to produce. The third question considers three learning points from looking at contributions, fixed and variable costs and break even analysis. The last uses these learning points and explores the way they may be used in an operating decision at the factory the following year.
Filename: TEbreakcase3.rtf
Cash Budget for Cyrus Brown Manufacturing
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A 4 page paper presenting a nine-month cash budget for a manufacturer with highly uneven sales. The first and last months are missing necessary values so the cash budget is really only for 6 months rather than 9, but it is obvious that the company will need a large short term loan to account for its inconsistent sales. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSfinCyrBrown.rtf
Cash Budgeting at Lawrence Sports
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A 13 page paper assessing the weaknesses of Lawrence Sports' approach to cash budgeting; developing a new working capital policy for the company; and discussing the ethical implications of the new policy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSfinWrkCapLawr.rtf
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