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Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Capital Budgeting; NPV and IRR
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This 8 page paper looks at the use of Net Present Value and Internal Rate of return calculations for use in capital budgeting. The first part of the paper looks at different potential investments and shows the student examples of NPV and IRR calculations. The second part of the paper looks at both IRR and NPV and discusses the two assessments to determine if one is a superior measure. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcapIRR.rtf
Capital Finance in the Corporate Environment
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This 5 page paper answers questions given by the student regarding different of commercial finance. The questions include the raising of capital by way of a stock issue and weighted marginal cost and weighted average cost, different theories of capital return such as dividend irrelevance theory and tax preference theory. The calculation of real rates of return on different investments is also demonstrated. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEquest1.wps
Capital Gains Tax Cut / A Counter-Argument
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A 5 page research paper in which the writer argues against this proposal. The writer debates the capital gains tax cut, and discusses the reasons why it would fail to benefit the economy despite the opinions of lawmakers who believe otherwise. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Capgains.wps
Capital Raising for Unihost
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This 4 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student which looks at how much capital a company needs to raise to pay of debt and undertake expansion plans. The paper then looks at how much may be available from different sources and assesses which projects may go ahead and which is the best form of financing from the options provided.
Filename: TEunihost.rtf
Capital Raising Three Options;
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This 5 page paper considers a case study provided by a student on the costs of raising capital by debentures, preference shares and ordinary shares. The paper includes three tables which demonstrate the cost differences.
Filename: TEfinopt.wps
Capital Raising; A Case Study
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This 5 page paper considers a case study provided by a student where Intel need to raise $675 million. Using the accounts for the 1999 period and the performance measures of the company in general various capital raising options are discussed from internal funding and liquidating of assets to different share offers and the use of debentures. The paper concludes with a recommendation and the reasons for that recommendation. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEcaprai.wps
Capital Requirements; A Case Study
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This 5 page paper answers questions on a case supplied by the student using information provided to calculate capital requirements for a bank under the Basle Agreement.
Filename: TEcapreq.rtf
Capital Risk Assessment Proposal
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This 11 page paper is a proposal for studing the link between the use of capital budgeting risk assessment tool, such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and the Monte Carlo. The aim is to assess if there is a link between the use of analysis and the returns created by a company measured by the return on equity and the return on assets. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEcapriskp.rtf
Capital Risk Assessment Report of Mock Results
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This 5 page paper considers how a report may be out together research the link between the use of risk assessment tools and the returns on assets and equity in medium sized companies. The paper presents some mock results to demonstrate their presentation. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEcapriskmock.rtf
Capital Structure Analysis, Valuation and Investment Report for Southwest Airlines
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A 9 page paper discussing Southwest’s history, corporate culture, capital structure, management and financial results for the purpose of performing investment analysis. Still boasting that it has had 54 consecutive profitable quarters, Southwest would have lost money in 1Q2003 and 1Q2004 without its successful fuel-hedging activities. It still clings to the never-a-losing-quarter mantra, and it leads its industry in market capitalization. Southwest is among the most fiscally conservative of all the commercial passenger airlines, despite its active fuel-hedging activities. Hedging generally is not looked on as a conservative measure, but compared to the wild swings and increases in fuel costs, hedging is more conservative in today’s climate than is not hedging. The investor determined to own a transportation stock - and specifically an aviation stock – absolutely should consider Southwest Airlines. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSfinSouthwest.rtf
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