Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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A Look at the Past and Future: Evaluating the Economy with Current Statistics
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This 7 page paper examines the current economy. This paper is broken down into two parts, one examining how current data is explained with an historic view and how the future economy can be predicted by looking at the present. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA633eco.rtf
A Look at the Subprime Market
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This 3 page paper examines this volatile market in modern times. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA811sub.rtf
A New Accounting System
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This 18 page paper considers the situation where a well known oil company may take on a new accounting system, activity based costing. The paper then looks at how this would be implemented and the influence it would have as well as the value it may add to not only the running of the company but to capital decision making processes. The second part of the paper then explores how the information produced by the ABC system may be used by different capital risk assessment tools. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEoilacc.wps
A New FDI Case Study
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This 10 page paper develops a new case study of a fictitious company investing in Africa, building a hotel. The case study has been created to show how influences such as developing industries, the desire to find new areas of investment, the impact of culture and communication, government need for long term development and the infancy of currency exchange rates all impact on the way a development it made and managed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEadevFDI.rtf
A Paper Considering the Validity of Financial Analysis Being Based on the Assumption that Markets Efficiently Reflect the Underlying Present Value of the Firm
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This 14 page paper discusses the validity of financial analysis is based on the assumption that markets efficiently reflect the underlying present value of the firm. This is examined using various theories such as efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and the Edwards-Bell-Ohlson models. This is considered generally and in the context of the stock market performance with peaks and troughs and the crash of high tech shares in 2000. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Filename: TEvalueshare.rtf
A Paper Looking at Risk, CAPM, Beta, Time Value of Money, NPV and IRR
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This 16 page paper examines different issues concerned investment. The paper outlines the use and value of different concepts, including different types of risk, the Capital Asset Pricing Model, what is meant by the beta, the importance of the time value of money, the use of net present vlaue and internal rate of return calculations and how they compare. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEfinaceqs.rtf
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This 24-page paper examines the financial status of poultry distributor Pilgrims Pride. The paper includes a financial SWOT analysis, trends and recommendations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTpilpri.rtf
A Portfolio of Forty Companies
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This 10 page paper looks at forty companies accessing their size by turnover, capitalisation and number of outstanding shares. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEport40.wps
A Positive Slope on the Demand Curve – A Marketing Assessment
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A 5 page paper that critically assesses the argument that for some goods, the economics demand curve may exhibit a positive slope. Presented is an example using the current cola war between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola and a shift in demand curve slope that could possibly occur were the equilibrium of this market disturbed. Also briefly discussed is the origin of this marketing assessment standard as introduced in Alfred Marshall's 1890 publication of Principles of Economics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: LCcurve.doc
A Practical Consideration of Hedging
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This 11 page paper considers the way in which international companies may use hedging to reduce the risks of international dealing or to potentially enhance profits. The paper uses the example of a country, that in six months time will have outflows in German and Brazilian currencies and an inflow in Swiss Francs. The paper looks at the situation in a logical manner, explaining each step and demonstrating how the assessment of whether or not to hedge will take place including the example calculations. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbrswge.wps
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