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Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Chinese and Russian Economies & Politics
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This 6 page research paper examines the changes in China and Russia since the ideological and political collapse of Communism. Specifically considered are the present and the future of the two countries, with the assertion that China is headed for 'superpower' status while Russia is in decline. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Chinruss.wps
U.S. Financial Foreign Policy & China
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A 20 page research paper examining much of the phenomenal growth of China's economy. There are three basic sections: overall Trade Policy, Foreign Investment Policy and Foreign Exchange Rate Policy. The trade policy section lightly discusses the WTO, of which China is not a member, but deals extensively with the ever-intense issue of renewing China's Most Favored Nation status. The United States has growing numbers of business concerns within China's borders, as some of our largest companies seek to take advantage of some of the lowest production costs in the world. Similarly, Taiwan has made the same sort of investment in China's economy. As U.S. trade deficits show us reaching more of a balance with Taiwan, it is only a paper balance—many of the Taiwan products we import are actually produced now in China, and are called Chinese. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Chinapol.wps
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This 5-page paper examines micro and macroeconomics and how such concepts can be applied to a hospital's case management system. The paper relied on specific examples from two hospitals to help support the topic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTecocas.rtf
New France (Canada) / Economic Importance
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A 5 page research paper investigating the origins of New France and its economic importance to both Canada France. During the years between 1650 and 1750, the population of the territory, now known as Quebec, experienced significant growth. Under King Louis XIV and his first appointed Intendent, Quebec and its surrounding areas established successful agricultural farms as well as numerous industries increasing the area's importance to France. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Newfrance.wps
The Canadian Housing Market
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A 7 page research paper on the real estate market in Canada. Issues concerning property specs, mortgages, and the general economy are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Canadaho.wps
Banking on the Internet
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Some people choose a banking facility based on proximity to their home or employment. Others shop for the best rates, the most services or the availability of incentives. An option that is gaining popularity in this, the computer age, is banking and paying bills through the Internet. Financial transactions such as checking, savings, credit cards, debt payment and investments are possible to transact with a simple 'click', while sitting at the computer. Most of the major banks and many of the small community banks have opted to begin doing business through the Internet. This 10 page paper examines Internet banking from the perspective of the banking industry and also the customer. There's a section detailing how to become an Internet bank customer and what are the advantages and problems. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KTwebbank.wps
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This 6-page paper examines Bank of American and the banking industry and determines how these two fit into Michael Porter's generic competition model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTbaofam.rtf
Social Security and the Aging Baby Boom Generation
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This 7 page report discusses the budget issue regarding Social Security and the impending retirement of the “Baby Boom” generation. Boomers are estimated to consist of approximately 77 million Americans, representing fully one-third of the population of the United States. In 1996, the first of the “boomers” turned 50. As a result, Congress, the Administration, and the general public have been voicing their concerns about the future of America’s Social Security system. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWbudge.rtf
Comparing the Economies of Indonesia & Thailand
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A 10 page research paper comparing the similar tracks of the economies of Indonesia and Thailand over the last thirty years. Thailand's economic future again holds promise for the country and for their people. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Indothai.wps
Evaluating Argentina As A Commercial Market
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A 10 page paper discussing the evaluation of Buenos Aires as an acceptable and profitable site for air pollution control devices. Argentina has no real historical data available and is unsure even of the source of its primary air pollution problems, but automobile use is suspected. No commercial device can reduce that type of air pollution, but the paper suggests that the company can still act as consultant to Argentina for the purposes of determining their present and future needs as well as providing data collection and analysis services. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Airarg.wps
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