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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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HIV/AIDS Patients and Suicide
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This 18 page report discusses the many issues associated with suicide and people with HIV/AIDS. The disease has raised numerous issues such as access to care, prevention, cost of treatment, drug therapy and much more. Not surprisingly, it has also intensified the debate regarding right to die, physician assisted suicide, and the moral issues associated with suicide. As people are forced to live with a disease that slowly but surely robs them of all strength and any measure of personal dignity, many have made the decision not to endure that process or cause their loved ones to have to experience it with them. The impact of the loss of personal autonomy, the emotional and physical suffering, and the related care issues are presented in terms of both AIDS patients and their caregivers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: BWsuiaid.rtf

Home care workers
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A paper which looks at some of the difficulties faced by home care workers, and the ways in which these might be alleviated in terms of greater support, networking and financial assistance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JLhomec.rtf

Home HIV Testing: An Issue of Patient Privacy
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A 7 page overview of the controversy surrounding home testing for HIV. Identifies AIDS, and HIV) as a tragic disease for which there are tragic consequences both epidemiologically and sociologically. Contends that because of the social stigma which all too often results with the disease and the insecurity of medical records in general, home testing is not an option but a necessity. Concludes that while what is really needed is stricter regulation at the federal level ensuring the privacy of medical records, that regulation is slow in coming and therefore home testing is a needed option. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPHIVtst.wps

Homeless and Alone: America's Shame
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This five-page-paper presents a discussion on the homeless population in this nation. Shelter options, problems, and suggestions for improvement are all included. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: CWhomles.wps

Homeless Children And Teenagers
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A 7 page paper. The number of homeless children and adolescents in the United States is a national shame and embarrassment, so concludes this writer. The paper addresses specific issues: the changing profile of the homeless; the five categories of homeless youth; statistical data; the effects of homelessness on children and adolescents; programs for homelessness; and a recommendation regarding what should be done. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGnohome.wps

Homeless Families With Children
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This 6 page paper looks at homelessness with attention to homeless families. Statistics are provided primarily for the United States, but data for Massachusetts are provided as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: SA209hfc.rtf

Homeless Veterans And Their Unfair Plight In Contemporary America
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A 10 page research paper examining some of the problems faced both by homeless veterans and the agencies and individuals trying to provide these veterans with real assistance. In 1994, the number of homeless veterans was estimated to be at more than 250,000. The Vietnam veterans are the first to have had to experience a full-fledged guerilla war and its associated atrocities, and they are the first to been poorly received upon returning home. Many have developed a deep mistrust for any government agency, including the VA that makes a true effort to help them improve their lives, but workers who were formerly homeless veterans themselves have had success in helping some of those currently still homeless. Bibliography lists approximately 8 sources.
Filename: Veterans.wps

Homeless Women
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A 20 page paper discussing the increasing problem of women and homelessness, the factors contributing to homelessness among women, and the structure of our society that punishes impoverished people for trying to rise above their poverty and find a way out. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Hmlswomn.wps

Homelessness And Citizenship Rights In The United States
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8 pages in length. Various reasons exist for homelessness, including corporate downsizing and cutbacks, as well as a reflection of how spousal abuse has reached epidemic proportions; escaping an abusive relationship is "one of the main causes" (Morris, 1998, p. 241) to which women attribute their homelessness. Families with children, who represent forty percent of the growing masses of homeless people, are often the most victimized of all those having no place to call home. The writer discusses various elements that stand in the way of upholding citizenship rights for the homeless. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCHmCit.rtf

Homelessness In The Aspect Of Deviance-Defining Process
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6 pages in length. Human nature is defined by myriad elements, not the least of which is the social need to categorize people into distinct groupings based upon certain criteria. These innate classifications can represent significant social power, as in the case of beauty, wealth and status, or they can symbolize aspects of society that people would just as soon forget, such as homelessness. The writer discusses the deviance-defining process as it relates to homelessness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCdvant.wps

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