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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Group Behavior/ Diffuse Responsibility
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A 5 page essay that examines the tendency in people to follow the example being set by a group. Referring to an article by Carol Tavris, the writer argues that this instinctive behavior pattern appears to apply even when the behavior being sanctioned by the group goes against common sense, or what is considered by society to be common decency. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khdifres.wps

Group Counseling / People with Developmental Disabilities
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A 5 page research paper exploring the benefits of group counseling of persons who are mentally retarded. There are very few studies to be found in the literature because this approach has historically been ignored for this population. Research does, however, point to the benefits of group counseling. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Grpcoun.wps

Group Dynamics and Pop Culture
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A 16 page paper applying social theory to pop culture. It has long been argued that pop culture rises from social conditions, but it can also be argued that social changes drive pop culture changes as well. Hip Hop can be seen as being a subculture that developed in a narrow geographical area and then extended to the rest of the country in clothing style and rap music, but the reverse can be argued as well. The success of Hip Hop also can be seen as developing as a need arose within the adolescent community that adolescents filled with rap albums and baggy pants. In the space of only a few months, Americans turned to patriotism with amazing speed. Groups dedicated to collecting money for the families of victims of heart-stopping terrorist attacks appeared and swung into action. Our shallowness and self-absorption gave way nearly instantly in the face of a true crisis. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSsocPopCult.rtf

Group Homes For Children And Adolescents
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A 42 page comprehensive research paper. This paper begins by reporting data regarding the incidence of mental, emotional and behavior problems among children and youth and comments on the controversy regarding residential placement for youngsters. The next section reports the history of group homes in this nation, beginning in the 1700s and following through to the latest trends in the structure of group homes. The third section reports on the different models of residential facilities and their typical characteristics for children and adolescents, which is followed with a discussion of the services each of the residential settings provides. The next section reports the outcomes for the different residential placements beginning with the fact that there is a dearth of empirical studies to validate the efficacy of these kinds of placements. This is a comprehensive discussion that includes the research that is available, including surveys of the perceptions of children and youth who are in group placements, and the opinions of many experts, including the Surgeon General's Office. The general consensus is that residential treatment centers and other types of public children's/youth residential placements may do more harm than good. The last section includes recommendations for research that is very much needed in this field. Throughout the paper are reports about the funding and the laws regarding some of these kinds of placements. There is also a discussion about the success of Boys Town. Data are included. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: PGgrhm.rtf

Group Norms As Depicted In American History X Film
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A 5 page paper. Every group develops norms of behavior. Group norms are the behaviors that are expected of each member of the group. This essay discusses three group norms that were demonstrated in the group of friends in this film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGgrpflm.rtf

Group Process
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A 5 page paper. This essay discusses the stages of group development and the group roles that must be assumed if the group is to be successful in reaching its goals. There is also a beginning tutorial about group process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGgrp4.wps

Group Psychotherapy
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This 6 page paper investigates three modes of group therapy: meaning-centered family, cognitive restructuring and gestalt. It also argues that the element of change - either of a behavior, thought pattern or an understanding of the world is the primary goal in working with incest/sexual abuse, eating disorder and substance abuse populations using these three modes of therapy. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KTgrpthp.wps

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A 10 page paper which examines the history and culture of grunge. Grunge originated in Seattle as was essentially a part of Generation X. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAgrunge.rtf

Guidelines for Ethical Decisions and Human Service Workers
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This 7 page report discusses the challenges faced by human services workers are unique in terms of the ethical dilemmas and situations with which they are regularly confronted. Because human service workers deal with the daily life problems are widely divergent groups of people, he or she is often placed in a position of having to make decisions that have the potential to be physically and emotionally harmful. As a result, the need to be fully aware of ethical considerations is what that cannot be over-emphasized. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWhswork.rtf

Gun Control As a Crime Deterrent ? A Sociological Examination
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A 7 page paper in which the writer assesses -- based upon library research -- whether or not gun control is truly an effective deterrent. Control & opportunity theories are introduced into the discussion and it is ultimate determined that the laws are not effective in curtailing crime. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.
Filename: Guncontr.wps

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