Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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A Proposal for a Shelter to House Pregnant Teens who are Abusing Drugs
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This 9 page paper provides a proposal for a shelter to house pregnant teens. The shelter design, inclusive of salary ranges and staffing considerations, is included. Programs to be included such as twelve step programs and a GED alternative is also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA315she.rtf
A Proposal to Evaluate Academic Performance As it Relates to Stereotyping Resulting from Educational Partitioning of Physically Disabled Students
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An 8 page proposal to evaluate the academic performance of physically disabled students who are kept in mainstream classes verses those that are placed in special education classes. This paper suggests this educational partitioning of students with the same mental aptitudes but obvious physical disability results in stereotyping, stereotyping which could reasonably be expected to play a role in educational attainment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPexpEdu.rtf
A Qualitative Analysis of the Social Environment at a McDonald's
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5 pages in length. The writer analytically discusses the social environment and atmosphere in a typical Mc Donald's fast food restaurant. Qualitative research on social environments is included as well. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Qualanal.wps
A Questionnaire Designed to Enhance Respondent Sensitivity to Problems Encountered by the Disabled
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An 8 page series of 25 questions arranged from those covering the most basic aspects of the myriad of problems which can be encountered by individuals with disabilities to the more complex. These questions are designed for use in sensitivity training and are ranked on a scale of one to five with five being the most complex. The intent of this questionnaire is that an individual can quickly obtain a relative score as to the extent on their knowledge on the barriers, particularly the non-physical barriers, encountered by disabled individuals. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPdisabQ.rtf
A Reaction to Walden Two
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This 5 page paper is a tutorial on how to write a reaction paper, with the use of Walden Two. Details from this B.F. Skinner book are explored and ideas about utopian society are discussed. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA217Two.rtf
A Research Proposal
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This 12 page paper is a reseach proposal for an investigation into the correlation between drugs and crime. The writer considers why, and how, this reseach will be of value and then undertakes a literature review. This takes the first 8 pages, this is followed by an annotated bibliography containing 20 sources.
Filename: TEdrugre.wps
A Short Demographic Analysis Pertaining To Education In Georgia
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A 6 page paper discussing some of the uses of demographic studies, but focusing more on a demographic analysis of regions of Georgia based on data collected in the 1990 census, comparing the striated regions of the state with each other according to state averages. Assuming that all other conditions remain the same, it is reasonable to forecast trends indicated by demographic studies. Georgia education data is compared to that of the US as a whole, but the paper points out the problems inherent in comparing some categories, such as 'high school by grade' vs 'did not complete high school.' Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Demograf.doc
A Social History Of The Deaf
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of deaf culture. The history of how the deaf have been educated in the U.S. is explored. The controversy over inclusion is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Deafhist.wps
A Social View of Race, Class and Gender
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A 5 page paper discussing our failure to adequately define the influences of these three aspects of society, focusing on the issue of defining poverty in the context of that faced by single mothers. It has been said that in order to attack a problem, it is first necessary to define that problem. This appears to be a stumbling block in overcoming the negative effects of race, class and gender in society. Despite the fact that the accepted “formula” has not been made workable, observers continue to try to make it fit. One author lists a variety of budget categories for a low-income family, concluding that there is not enough left for food and housing. The paper argues that those living financially marginal lifestyles are better qualified to define budget categories and priorities, and concludes that we often take the same skewed approach to discussing race and gender as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSsocRaceClGen.rtf
A Sociological Analysis of the 911 Attacks
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This 5 page paper provides an analysis of the 911 attacks, with the use of theories by Erving Goffman. Primary sources are used. The aftermath of the attacks is the focus as this paper that looks at those of Middle Eastern descent who are stigmatized. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA245Gof.rtf
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